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  An interesting historical find ...  

Accountants and Chess - Historical perspectives

An interesting find for chess historians. A 500-year-old, 48-page Italian manuscript by Luca Pacioli mostly dedicated to chess has been found. References to it had been noted, but no one had ever actually viewed this document ... and it was assumed lost. Pacioli was a peer and a friend and traveling companion of Leonaro da Vinci and is considered the father of modern accounting, or at least modern accounting books [Credit is given to Luca Pacioli for inventing 'double entry bookkeeping' among other things]. He taught mathematics to Leonardo. The scholars doubt the nice black and red diagrams are by Leonardo da Vinci (they could be). José Antonio Garzón suspects it's from 1508, not topping the earliest modern chess treatise by Francesch Vincent (Vicent) in 1495. 

(Thanks to my friend Michael Thornton, who sent me this info - in an e-mail.)  

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