Click here to look for "chess" with the Google search engine.   Hello friend!     ...............    Welcome to one of the best {private} chess sites around. (Recognized as such by several national chess federations and also "C.J.A." Site of The Year for 2004.)     ................     Check out my School of Tactics!!  ..........  Many improvements and NEW PAGES!!!!   (Be sure to check the T.L.A. in 'Chess Life' for the tournaments in your area.)  Thanks, and have a great day!!!

   A FIDE "Top 100" site.  
  Best site, CJA, for 2004.

All the 
in chess.

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Computer & Internet Services

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Computer and/or Internet Related Services

(A.J.'s "Super-Tech" Web Sites.)

NOTE:  The sites listed below are  not  necessarily listed in the order of popularity 
or by the amount of business that they do. They are simply listed in the order 
that I thought would be most useful to the average business. 


   See the section below for the world's largest provider od softwate solutions!

  •  -  -  Easily one of the biggest and most technically advanced providers of software for business solutions on the planet. (Click  HERE  to go to their "e-commerce/business solutions" page.) Their new server software (Enterprise, ®) may soon dominate the market. (Apr. 2001.)
Summary: Business and technical solutions for IT professionals and business decision makers looking to solve business problems by with applications and technology built by ISVs on the Microsoft family of servers.  Category =  Solutions: BUSINESS

Microsoft now has solutions for virtually any problem. It does not matter if you are a small business, a medium size business or a giant corporation, these folks probably have something to solve some of your problems. I have spent DAYS surfing their website and reading the articles. You MUST check them out.


 Harried Information & Technology (I.T.) 
Managers of medium-sized businesses take note! 
This one is definitely a "heavy." Check it out!! 
Another A.J. "Must-See."

  •  IBM  - - Another HUGE website. These are also the big boys of "Big Blue." On this website, you can find extensive software resources; order the newest, latest technology PC's for the office; download a printer driver for a printer that would not cooperate with your Intranet; (or find any other driver/device for your IBM computer); etc.   ***  Discover your own "Epiphany."   ***

  •  IBM is also one of the biggest is also one of the biggest software engineering firms in the world. Are you having trouble with your server? Is speed a problem with your software? Is your site not functioning the way it was intended? Then one of the very first firms you should contact is IBM, especially if your server/platform is an IBM product!! 

  •  IBM is also marketing their new "Websphere" ® software. (For large platform servers.) This is sure to have a big impact on the market.

    Go to their web site. You will NOT be sorry. I guarantee it.

    Harried Information & Technology  (I.T.) Managers of medium-sized businesses take note!  
                     Definitely a "heavy!" Also an "A.J. Must-See." 

  • Internet Security Systems -  Because Internet security is becoming 
       more and more important, I have added this site. No ITT manager 
       needs a lecture on how important this issue is to ALL companies in 
       today's marketplace. Go there and see show they can help you!! 
       (Added March 11th, 2002.) 

  •  - - This is a company that advertises that it sells,
    "Computing Solutions Built for Business."  
    I think that just about says it all. 

     They sell and do it all!    They have name brands (such as Compaq), hardware, software, networking, accessories, services, telephony, etc. 
    There is NOT an aspect of the computer related areas they not offer top-notch services and products for. They are also an extremely active and aggressive TV/Cable advertiser. (2001) This one receives my highest recommendation and easily is in the "Top Ten" of companies that offer computing solutions for the small to large business. 

Go to their web site. You will NOT be sorry. I guarantee it.

Harried Information & Technology  (I.T.) Managers 
of medium-sized businesses take note! 

Definitely a "heavy!"  Also an "A.J. Must-See." 

 FUJITSU -  One of the world's leaders in optical networking!  (ajs_top-ten_picks.gif, 169 KB)

  • .  - - another real super-heavy!
    These guys are for real and are maybe one of the few you could include in the group with guys like IBM and Microsoft!

     This company does it all, from networking to server applications. 

    Their specialty is global optical networking, and they are maybe 
    one of the very best in the world in this particular field. 

    My extensive research indicates this is a real contender with offices 
    all over the world - you would be hard-pressed to find ANY developed 
    country where they do not have a presence. Their background and 
     personnel are the very best. All my digging indicates this company 
     is a definite "contender." 

    Their web-site is also one of the snazziest I have seen. 
    It looks better - and works better (!)  - than most of the other 
    companies listed on this web page!!! 

    Click  HERE  to go there now.


 Go to their web site. You will  NOT  be sorry. I guarantee it.

Harried Information & Technology  (I.T.) Managers 
of medium-sized businesses take note! 

Definitely a "heavy!"  Also an "A.J. Must-See." 

  • - Another very cool website is 
    "Earth Web" [<dot> com.]. Here you will find Information & Technology (IT) Management, Networking and Communication, Web Development, Web Hosting, Hardware & Systems development, Software development, ASP, and much, much more. Many of the top-rated sites, (especially for us computer dweebs); on the Internet can be found on Earth-Web. A small businessman in a jam? Need help with your web page? This might be the place you have been looking for!! Definitely a MUST look-and-see!

  • - Another cool site is the folks at "Interland." [<dot> com.] (Another big TV advertiser.)  Here they promise to give you, "The latest and best in leading edge technologies." Do you need to get your business on the web? Do you want to get started on the web? Would you like to re-sell Interland's services? Then this could be the place for you. They have "Innovative Customer Service," and promise to be, "Your Global Web Solutions Provider." They offer shared hosting, dedicated hosting, application hosting, web-hosting,  e-commerce, professional services, etc. So much more. A "must-see!!!"  Small businesses pay attention!!

FAST Net - Another big one with over a billion sites listed in its Internet database are the folks at "Fast-Net." ( Search the Internet. Some of the business and personal services they offer are:

Dedicated Access,  DSL Coverage and rates, Personal Web Pages, Jump-start (your web),  ISDN Rates and service, ALL iPASS services, ASP; (Application Service Providers); T1/T3 Point to Point, Frame Relay, Switched Multimegabit, Digital Service (SMDS), Web Hosting, Application Hosting, Total Managed Security, Virtual Private Network, Unified Messaging, Backup & Recovery, ETRN, Domain Registration, etc.

Wow. Is your mind blown yet?  Mine is. 
Click  HERE   to their site-map now.

ajs_top-ten_picks.gif (173015 bytes)

  •  - - Do you need a complete "Network Service(s) Platform?" If you do, go see the good folks at Genuity.  [ <dot> com.] Have you ever seen the really, really  COOL  commercial on TV with, "The Black Rocket?" (TM). Need really advanced web tools? State of the art? Need advanced web management? Scalabilty? Modular technology? These guys bill themselves as "The Network Services Provider for businesses that are changing the world." Whew! By now you should be just dying to go there. Genuity. Once again, this could be the answer to ALL of your problems. (Thank me later, just go there. NOW!! And be sure to let the people at GeoCities know what a wonderful web-site I have!!!) 

                                   Click HERE! to go there now!!!


  •  -  Want a web site and a company launched by a bunch of egg-heads? (Seriously, this company was started by guys who all have PhD's.) Need some of the best brains on the 'Net and the software to go with it?  Then you should check out the web-site at "Ingenuity" <dot> com. This is serious stuff for the very serious ASP/IT manager. If you need help for IT management, this is the place to go!!! Not much to say, other than this could be the answer to ALL of your problems!!! Click HERE to go there now! 

  • - Do you need "DSP," (Digital Signal Processing); or Analog measuring tools? Then contact the world's leaders in that area. See the good folks at  Texas Instruments.  They make a lot more than calculators! Go to Many good business solutions are here! They also have many other fields that they offer services in, so you should check them out. Click  HERE  to go there now!!!

Harried Information & Technology (I.T.) Managers of 
medium-sized businesses take note!

This one is a "heavy." Check it out!! 
Another A.J. "Must-See."

  • PSI Net - One of the biggest advertisers on TV. Naturally this does not make them a winner ... but I did a little checking. One of the top-rated companies for providing services to e-businesses. Another highly-rated site!! They bill themselves as, "The Turn-Key solution for your dedicated hosting needs." They state that: "PSI NET is a global facilities-based Internet Protocol data communications carrier, focused on the business marketplace." They offer solutions in the following areas: Access, Web-Hosting, Communications, Application Services Provider, E-Commerce, Internet Business Transactions, and Consulting. 

    Click HERE to go there now! A definite stop for the Small Business Technology Supervisor. 

    Harried Information & Technology (I.T.) Managers of medium-sized businesses take note! This one is a "heavy." 
    Check it out!! Another A.J. "Must-See." - A sure winner. 

  • - Need better software? Is your Internet site too slow? Do you need more flexibility? More capabilities? When you go their website you will find:

    Products: Database, Application Server, Tools, E-Business Suite, Hosting.

    Communities: Oracle Technology Network, E-Business Network, AppsNet, Club Oracle, Education, Partners.

    Resources: About Oracle, Customers, E-Business, Events, Publications, Press, Products, Support, Consulting.

    Regions: Africa/Middle East, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America. 

    Languages: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, Korean, Other Languages.

    • ASP/Hosting; • Business to Business;
    • Customers: For RxMarketPlace, E-Business Suite is just what the doctor ordered. 
    • Oracle9i: How Oracle9i expands e-business intelligence. New features give you the edge. 
    • Wireless: Get the best of the internet-wherever you go. 

    • Oracle will run your Web site 3X faster! 
    • > See our  Million Dollar Guarantee. 
    • Optimize purchasing with Oracle Internet Procurement.

Seen enough? Definitely a "big-time" website. 
 Also a  "biggie"  when it comes to software. 

 Harried Information & Technology (I.T.) Managers 
 of medium-sized businesses take note! 

Definitely a heavy! & an A.J. "Must-See."  
   Click HERE to go there now.

  •  -  A big company [Sun Microsystems] with maybe some big answers. There is probably not an area of your business that they can't assist you with. On TV, they advertise they are: "The 'Dot,' in Dot-Com." If anyone else made such a claim, I would laugh in their faces. (Or at the very least, snicker behind their backs.) But having used some of their hardware and software, I can honestly tell you that they are maybe one of the few companies that can back up such a claim. They offer resources for Developers, Service Providers, System Administrators, Executives, and Investors. They also offer support, training, and consultation.

    Harried Information & Technology  (I.T.) Managers of medium-sized     businesses take note!

                      Definitely a "heavy!" Also an "A.J. Must-See."

   See the section below for the world's largest provider od softwate solutions!

  • - Another one of TV's heaviest advertiser's. Nielsen (Net-Ratings) also rates this company very highly in consumer satisfaction. "Blue Chip" technologies (an on-line magazine) also rates this as one of the "Top Ten" in innovation and e-business. One of the Internet's heaviest hitters. Do you need Optical Internet solutions, Wireless Internet; Local Internet and Intranet; e-Business and Customer solutions? Then this could be a company you have been searching for. 
                              "What do YOU want your Internet to be?" 
                                       Click HERE to go there now!!


Harried Information & Technology  (I.T.) Managers of 
medium-sized businesses take note!  
Definitely a "heavy!" Also an "A.J. Must-See," especially in the 
category of "Technology & Internet" solutions. 

   See the section below for the world's largest provider od softwate solutions! - This is the web-site of "Computer Associates." This is a real biggie in software, e-commerce, etc. Virtually any problem of the Internet, software applications, or e-commerce can be addressed here. Their site is simply too big and too expansive to describe it all here. They are also a fairly heavy TV advertiser.

Click HERE to go there now.

Harried Information & Technology  (I.T.) Managers of 
medium-sized businesses take note!  
Definitely a "heavy!" Also an "A.J. Must-See," especially in the 
 category of "Technology & Internet" solutions. 

   See the section below for the world's largest provider od softwate solutions!

  • - (Agilent Technologies) This website and company was founded by one of the same people that founded Hewlett Packard computers. (The late William Hewlett.) So you know that advanced technologies and innovation is at the heart of this company.

They have four distinct areas that they provide services for:

1. "Communications: We provide the people, technology, components, and tools that help customers design, build, operate, manage, and maintain the next generation of communications devices, networks and services."

2. "Electronics: We help customers design, manufacture, and deploy new products and technologies with our advanced electronics test, measurement, and monitoring solutions."

3. "Life Sciences: We enable customers to identify, quantify, analyze, and test the chemical and biological properties of thousands of substances."

4. "Healthcare: We provide clinical measurement and diagnostic solutions for the healthcare marketplace."


Click  HERE  to go there now.

Harried Information & Technology  (I.T.) Managers of 
medium-sized businesses take note!  
Definitely a "super - heavy!"  Also an "A.J. Must-See," especially 
in the category of "Technology & Internet" solutions. - (A VeriSign ® Company) This is a very serious company and a heavy TV advertsier.  (Bob "The-Bug-Reaper" <dot com.>)

They specialize in network solutions, server hosting, domain names, business applications of domain names, sale of existing domain names, etc. 

This is an example of what you will find on their very good looking website:
<< It's easier than you think to build your own Web site. We'll walk you through it. Preview your design before you buy. Get the name you really want. Choose from a variety of extensions like .at, .ph, .ro, and Works like a .com! 
Learn more. 

Make an impression with an e-mail address that matches your domain name. Works with your existing e-mail too. Take the first step and become part of the rush to register new Web extensions by requesting your ideal Domain Name! 
Access your dot com mail. Learn more.  

Don't settle for your second choice domain. Find your first choice in our catalog of more than 2 million pre-registered domains for sale. Start building your Web Business today. Accept online payments. Authenticate your Web site. Secure your server. Search the catalog.  Learn more. Build an E-Commerce Web Site. Learn more. >>  Does this sound good to you? (It does to me.)


Click HERE to go there now!!


Harried Information & Technology  (I.T.) Managers of 
medium-sized businesses take note!  
Definitely a "heavy!"  Also an "A.J. Must-See," especially in 
 the category of "Technology & Internet" solutions. - One of the biggest advertisers on TV. 
(March, 2001.) Their initial web page is obviously professionally done, 
although perhaps a bit too busy for my personal taste.

They have dozens of contacts and topics, far too many to name here. Let us just say they have a reputation for being one of the largest  "e-commerce"   providers on the Internet. They also may have one of the largest "B2B" networks in the World. They have hundreds of companies that they have allied themselves with or partnered with. 

In short, this is a company that, "Has it all goin' on." You must go here if you have ever considered a serious entrance to the Global Marketplace!

Harried Information & Technology  (I.T.) Managers of ALL size companies, but especially medium-sized businesses take note!  
                Definitely a "heavy!" Also an "A.J. Must-See."

Click  HERE  to go there now!

   See the section below for the world's largest provider od softwate solutions!

  • - One of the world's largest providers of global communications on the Internet. They state that,  "WorldCom is the pre-eminent global communications company for the digital generation. Welcome to our world." A big claim. Can they back it up? Well, a little research revealed they are a truly global company. I-Market Research gives them a very high rating. 

Some of the services they offer: 
IP_VPNS - These are a new breed of Wide Area Network offering functionality, low cost, and flexibility. 
Web Hosting - Web Hosting is a full-time job and 
one that we take very seriously. 
Web Centers - We have web centers that will enable customers 
to contact businesses through one integrated system.


Harried Information & Technology  (I.T.) Managers of 
medium-sized businesses take note!  

Definitely a "heavy!" Also an "A.J. Must-See."

Click  HERE  to go there now.

Computer/Internet Searches



(Let me help you find it!!)


(I changed the font in this section because several people 
complained that this fancy script font was too hard to read.) - There are several new sites [primarily] devoted to  quality searches. The first I stumbled across is the new "Search-Hound" <dot> com.   This is a site that has a little of everything. Shopping, banner exchanges, list your website, a very powerful keyword search, keyword bidding, counters, etc. Easily one of the best search engines on the Internet. Check it out. I am sure you will find something that will interest you.

***** - Another, practically brand new web-site is "Galaxy" <dot> com. This is a website devoted entirely to searches!! (Plus they have many other great services to offer.) You should be able to find nearly anything on this site. (Ever do a search and come up with hundreds, if not thousands of irrelevant sites? Now you can narrow the parameters of your search. FIND  just what you are looking for!!) This is definitely a stop for every serious web-surfer!! PLUS: You can get your own account free. Get free e-mail; local, national, & other news; weather, stock quotes, and much more! An A.J. "Must-See."

  • - Search the "Fast," network/website. ( - Their motto is: "All the web, all the time." (TM.) They now (01/25/00) claim to have one of the largest Internet URL databases on the net, over 575 million verified sites!!! You can also do mobile searches, MP3 searches, and search in dozens of other categories. AND ... you can submit your site to their search-engine index for FREE! This is a definite place to stop if you are looking for anything!!  Web surfers take note!   

  • The "I need Hits!" Website - Definitely part of the tool-kit for the aspiring web-page builder and promoter. ( Some of the things you can find here? Submit your site to nearly 30 major search engines for FREE. You can also pay (A small and fairly reasonable sum), to submit your website to ALL of the popular search engines. You can also use a FREE "meta-tag" generator for your website. (All you do is come up with all the relevant key-words, and the software generates the necessary "meta-tags.") You can also use the "Meta-Search" feature, and search (For Free!!) ALL the search engines that are on the Internet today! Click HERE to go there now!!

  • - Another very cool site, (and a relative newcomer to the Internet); is the folks at "Com-Search" <dot> net.  They have free listings of URL's, extensive searches, free telecom services, free Internet access, and many, many other services. You must check this one out!

Want to search one of the  
"The World's Largest Websites?"  
That is what both of the following 
companies claim and maintain.

   See the section below for the world's largest provider od softwate solutions! - Would you like to access a site that has BILLIONS of sites listed in its database? That's what the folk's at GOOGLE <dot> com claim. Search the Internet and much more. Click HERE to go there now! (You also get all kinds of advanced search options, cool jobs, and lots of other stuff too.) Submit your site to what may be the "World's Biggest Database." (Of web sites.) !!! Go for it. Just a hint. It looks like this this site is dedicated almost SOLELY to searches. If you are really having trouble finding something, this should be the next place you stop!!!

  • More news about google:

    Google Receives Highest Rankings!

    << Google ( continues to top the polls! In the latest comprehensive research
    study conducted by NPD Online Research, Google placed first overall among 18 search and portal
    sites for relevant results and user satisfaction. The study included all of the "big names" including AltaVista,,  Ask Jeeves, Excite, GO Network, Google, GoTo, HotBot, iWon, Lycos, MSN, Netscape, WebCrawler
    and Yahoo!.

    Google rated number one in the following topics...

    - No. 1 in Comparison vs. Other Sites: 92% of Google users surveyed rated it either much or 
      somewhat better than other sites. 
    - No. 1 for Relevant and Accurate Search Results. 
    - No. 1 for Meeting the Needs of Users.
    - No. 1 for Ease-of-Use and Navigation.
    - No. 1 for Site Reliability.
    - No. 1 for Speed in Loading.
    - No. 1 for Up-to-Date Information.
    - No. 1 for Good Value for the Time Spent.

    We can not talk high enough of Google, they continue to out-perform every day, month, year.
    Their phenomenal growth also continues to gain pace. It is believed that more than 20 million
    searches are conducted on their database each day! Yes... 20 MILLION searches a day!!! >>

    (The "I Need Hits" newsletter. Dec, 2000.)

    Google was also rated highly by I-Market Research and Nielsen On-line.

(The below web-site has already been listed once on this page, 
but has been repeated for the sake of completeness.) 

FAST Net - Another big one with over a billion sites listed in its Internet database are the folks at "Fast-Net." ( Search the Internet. Some of the business and personal services they offer are:

Dedicated Access,  DSL Coverage and rates, Personal Web Pages, Jump-start (your web),  ISDN Rates and service, ALL iPASS services, ASP; (Application Service Providers); T1/T3 Point to Point, Frame Relay, Switched Multimegabit, Digital Service (SMDS), Web Hosting, Application Hosting, Total Managed Security, Virtual Private Network, Unified Messaging, Backup & Recovery, ETRN, Domain Registration, etc.

Wow. Is your mind blown yet?  Mine is. 
Click HERE to their site-map now. 

Search the "Fast," network/website. ( - Their motto is: "All the web, all the time." (TM.) They now (01/25/00) claim to have one of the largest Internet URL databases on the net, over 700 million verified sites!!! You can also do mobile searches, MP3 searches, and search in dozens of other categories. AND ... you can submit your site to their search-engine index for FREE! This is a definite place to stop if you are looking for anything!!

Click HERE to go there now. 

Web surfers take note!

  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I  

  Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby, 1995-2008.  

  Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby, 2009.  All rights reserved. 
