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  GM Vladimir Kramnik - GM Peter Leko;  
  World Chess Championships  
  Brissago, Switzerland; (SUI) / 2004.  

  Page # 01, general information(summary)  

 (A permanent page devoted to this match!) 

Unless you have been in a cave the last month or so, you know that we FINALLY had a World Championship Match. GM V. Kramnik and GM P. Leko squared off in their long-awaited WCS Match. This will be my pages to cover this event. I will try to be as complete as possible and even provide a few links. (October 25th, 2004.) 

 This is my overview of the recent  match  between  
  GM Vladimir Kramnik and GM Peter Leko.


<< The Classical World Chess Championship takes place at the Centro Dannemann in Brissago, Switzerland;  September 25th - October 18th, 2004. A total of 14 games will be played under classical time controls. 

Vladimir Kramnik is defending the title he won from Garry Kasparov in 2000 against Hungarian GM Peter Leko, who qualified at the Dortmund Candidates in 2002. >>   
From a press release on the Internet.    


Although one could argue that these two really did not deserve to play this match … Kramnik lost to Shirov, and Leko is not the  # 1 or  # 2  player in the world, (As I write this, Leko is NOT even in the “top five” in the world!); this was still a long overdue event. (If it had happened in a timely manner, it would have been held at least two years ago.)

After all the pomp and ceremony, the two squared off for a match. They got right down to business, with Kramnik winning the very first game of the match. 

A few draws followed, and then Leko struck back with a win in game five, after a big surprise … the use of the move, 1.d4 by Peter Leko.

In game eight, Leko won what seemed to be the decisive win of the match, gaining victory with the Black pieces. Additionally, Leko seemed to find a hole in Kramnik’s pre-match preparation … over the board!!

Several more tough draws followed; especially noteworthy was game thirteen, which Leko drew while all the experts were predicting he was lost.

With the deck stacked against him, Kramnik had to win game fourteen – it was the final game of the match. A draw or a loss left Kramnik out in the cold … he HAD to win in order to retain his title. Kramnik pulled out a big TN out of his bag of tricks … and motored to a win. To his credit, Kramnik was able to accomplish something many other players - in similar situations - had been unable to do.

Hats off to both players. Leko probably wished he had played on in a few games … especially when he had an edge. Peter Leko was also probably regretting a few of his short draws, especially with the White pieces.

But in the end, the better player won, the rating differential predicted a victory for Kramnik.  (By a small margin.)

-         LIFE-Master A.J. Goldsby I  (Friday, October 22, 2004 .) 

(If you want all the games of this match - in PGN format - then click here.) 

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  Copyright (c) LM A.J. Goldsby I  

  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2004-2009. All rights reserved.  

  This page was created in 10/04 and first posted on my website on October 25th, 2004.  Page last updated on: 05/17/2009 .

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