Recruitment and Beginnings
Arrival from Manila
The First Martyrs
Amulets and Anting-anting
April 3, Palm Sunday
Massing of Forces
First Encounter
Revolutionaries Gain Ground
The Retreat Begins
Betrayal and Death
Regrouping in the Mountains
Final Victory
The Author

First Encounter
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A painting of the battle at Res de Abril by Manuel Panares
THE katipuneros were ready to fight their battle of a lifetime. It was as if their anger, repressed in three centuries of docility and subservience, was now bursting from its shell.

Loyalist troops upon orders of Gen. Montero arrived at bridge of the southern end of Colon (Puente de la Revoluccion), then divided itself into two groups. The first group led by Capt. Monfort and Sgt. Cueto followed Tres de Abril St. (then called General Weyler St.), while the second group under Capt. Gutierrez and Sgt. Pedro Royo followed El Pardo (now C. Padilla) for a short distance, then turned right following V. Rama Ave., going towards the cemetery in Calamba.

The two columns of loyalist troops converged at the crossing of Tres de Abril and V. Rama Ave., then stopped to ascertain the whereabouts of a crowd reported to have gathered near the Calamba cemetery.

The guardia civiles assigned for patrol duty in Basak and Labangon encountered Gines' men on the road leading to Mambaling near Candido Rama's residence. Another group bound for Talisay also failed to reach their destination for the same reason.

Meanwhile, Leon Kilat was informed that soldiers had arrived near Pahina bridge. He met Justo Kabajar and his men at the northwestern end of the JM Basa st. which intersects V. Rama Ave., hiding behind trees and other structures. They were preparing to ambush the approaching loyalist soldiers marching westwards along Guadalupe road (now V. Rama Ave.). Kabajar did not know that another column of soldiers was at that time also marching along Tres de Abril St.

Kilat ordered Kabajar not to attack prematurely, and instead wait for other katipuneros coming from the cemetery. He also instructed the latter to surround soldiers when attacking.

Knowing the movement of the enemy, Leon Kilat went in haste towards the main body of the katipuneros, avoiding Guadalupe road as he moved towards the Calamba cemetery where the huge group of katipuneros was concentrated. He did not have to walk far when he met them. Immediately, he assumed command, leading them to the location of the enemy troops.

At intersection of V. Rama and Tres de Abril st. where the enemy troops had stopped, Kilat deployed his men. The left wing of katipuneros was placed under Eugenio Gines and Francisco Llamas, to be assisted by Arsenio Cabreros, Rufo Abella, Pio Lopez and Dionisio Abellar. The center column, commanded by Kilat himself and assisted by Alejo Miñoza, took position at the intersection itself.

The majority of the katipuneros were massed here, using as cover the stone corner of the house of Nicolas ("Lasay") and Antonio Lopez. The distance between the katipuneros and the loyalist troops were now only 15 meters.

Loyalist soldiers saw them, noting their lack of arms. Sgt. Pedro Royo shouted: "You stupid people. What do you wantñ Return to your homes. Go away before you are hit by the bullets and killed."

The katipuneros answered back, taunting them with their own challenges. Evidently, they were not afraid of the Spaniards' rifles. So the loyalist troops started firing. At the same time, Kilat told his men to lie flat on the ground, knowing that the rifles of the enemy would be good for only five shots. After that, they have to load their rifles again. Those brief seconds would give them enough time to rise up and swing their bladed weapons.

After five shots from the Spanish rifles, Kilat personally led his men to a hand-to-hand skirmish, resulting in the beheading of Lt. Cueto by his kris. Another Cazador, trying to run away, also met his death after his shoulder was sliced from his body by Kilat.

Spaniards retreat

Colon St. during Spanish times In due time, the soldiers realized that they were no match for the bolos of the katipuneros. The retreated towards the Puente de la Revolucion (Colon bridge) with the katipuneros close in pursuit. The loyalists' second column shooting effectively managed to protect the retreating soldiers. Then both Spanish columns retreated beyond the bridge, taking up another position with their rifles.

While this battle was going on, Baragay 1 under Luis Flores heard the gunshots and this led to join him with Barangay 2, thus failing to reach his objective which was the fort. It would have been possible for him to take the fort easily as it was defended by very few soldiers.

From the scene of battle, Leon recovered one Remington rifle with several rounds of ammunition; Abellana got one Mauser; and others firearms of different calibers from dead Spaniards, or a total of 15 rifles and several hundred rounds of ammunitions.

Seeing the number of dead companions, the voluntarios locales at the San Nicolas Tribunal retreated towards the direction of Calamba st. leading to Ermita but were pursued by a group of rebels led by Justo Cabajar, Miñoza, Gines, Rufo Abella and others. Near this place, Cabajar shot one of them with a rifle earlier confiscated, forcing others to escape towards the city. Kabajar's group brought along five newly captured rifles.

Afterwards the voluntarios beat a hasty retreat towards Puente Forbes (at the southern end of Magallanes st.), just within sight of Recoleto barracks where they could hide in case the fighting got worse.

Another group of cazadores on their way to reinforce the guardia civiles in Talisay was surprised by rebels at Dulho. At Basak the group led by Arsenio Cabreros chased one group of guardia civil on its way to Labangon.

At the Puente de la Revolucion (Colon bridge), the confrontation and exchange of fire between the two groups continued for some minutes. But the Spaniards, sensing that they would be overpowered, withdrew to Fort San Pedro to make their last stand against the victorious katipuneros.

They brought their dead and wounded companions to the infirmary of the Colegio de San Carlos (now the University of San Carlos) on Martires st. (now Don Mariano Jesus Cuenco Ave.) where all the wounded, numbering about 30, died within a week of confinement and treatment.

On the side of the katipuneros, Doyong Flores, Atilano Lopez, Gregorio Salazar from Sangi, San Fernando, died on the spot. Titoy Saceda died later from wounds suffered in the battle. Eight KKKs were wounded including Eugenio Gines who was hit with a bullet from a Mauser, and Martin Cabreros who was hit by the same caliber with two bullets near his heart.