A "Cobb-Sasser Family Lineage Website" Page

Letters from

Aunt Rachel!

"Aunt Kate"
to some.
"Aunt Rachel"
to most.

Katherine "Rachel" (Sasser) Attaway
daughter to
Eli and Mary (Tuttle) Sasser

April 30, 1918
Letter to her sister,
Mahala (Sasser) Cheek
Mrs. Mahala Cheek
Rt2 Box 65
Pauls Valley Okla


Dear Sister
Your letter received some time ago. Was glad to hear from you all. This leaves us both well as common. Hope it will find you all well. How is Mag and what is the trouble with her? Seems as though she is never well. Robert is grumbling cause she hasn't wrote him lately. Robert has been home on a five day furlough. He never had time to go on up to Tribby to see the folks. I hate it too on account of Mary Ann more so than the rest, for she is so weakly and takes every little thing to heart just like a kid almost, and I know she will be worrying bout it when I see her. Mary Ann and all the kids was sick when I heard from them last. Her lungs had been bleeding and the kids all had the mumps and German measles. Charlie and Nannie and both kids has had them, except Nannie has all ready had the mumps. Nannie is fixed up for another chap in the family after a thirteen year rest. She has done this on purpose and I'm going to use the shovel board on her when I get up there. She was dreading to hear what I would say and do when I saw her. She needs something done to her I think, for she is not a bit stout and so fleshy she can't stand to be on her feet like she should, and I guess now she will get to where she can't drag around. I may come up the same road my self, but if I do, that won't be no sign I wanted to, and I hope I shant serriff. Ha Ha. Ma has gone to Ochuata. Ada is down with rheumatism. She can't get up and down atall . We haven't heard from Ma yet, but I will hear how she is when Luther comes home tonight, as we will get a letter from Ma today. Ada didn't get your last letter as she said you owed her a leter and she hadn't heard from you in a long time. Well I guess you have put out your garden by this time. My garden looks very well, what little I have. I have only got eleven little chicks and just one more hen setting. I can't get any hens to set some how. Will do like Tom Hibberd done the old turkey hen once. He got out and put one on the nest and lay a big rock on her back and make her set any way. Ha Ha. I guess the eggs worked. Hatch awful good. Well I see the old three o clock pashenger train going up the line. I won't have but bout two more hours to stay by my self as Luther generally gets in home bout five. He is helping Pa plant cotton. We are going to plant cotton next week and plant broom corn too. We will have bout 10 acres broom corn. We sold broom corn last year for Three Hundred and Fifteen Dollars a ton and some folks sold for Four Hundred a ton. They had a better grade of corn than we had though. If cotton and broom corn sell as high this year, we will make a pretty good crop. We will make over Two Thousand Dollars worth of stuff. We got hailed out last year and our cotton was too late to make much. We made bout Seven Hundred Dollars worth cotton and very little corn but lots of feed stuff. Charlie and Nannie made Two Thousand Dollars cotton last year. Beside that, plenty corn and other stuff. They are in the timber country and sandy land. Where we are it not timber only down low in the creek bottoms. We are in the prairie country and we have hail storms here while it never hails to hurt crops in the timber country. Charlie & Nannie bought them a over land car. Cost them Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars. I'm going up just as soon as they get over them mumps and measels and take Nannie a joy riding. Ha Ha.
Well Sister I could write all day and never get any thing told, so I had better cut it and I guess for this time. So write soon and often.
I remain as ever your loving Sister.
Bye Bye with the best of love.
Give my love to all the children.

March 14, 1919
1. Letter to her sister,
Mahala (Sasser) Cheek
2. Letter to her niece,
Maggie Cheek.
Mrs Mahala Cheek

Dear Sister,
How may you be by now? Guess you was just beginning to think real hard at me for not writing you sooner. But Sister Dear, I will ask you not to think hard as part of the time I didn't feel as though I could write. I have been feeling pretty tough for a month, but I'm feeling very well now. And sickness the wide world over. I never heard the like in my life. Liz lost one of her boys and Joe lost his wife. But I guess John Henry has made it home by now and he said he was going to come see you just as soon as he got back home. He and the boys was here at my house when I received your letter. Just a short bit after he left for Arkansas, Nannie's little baby come very near taking pneumonia and Alice's and Eli's little baby did take it, but made it through and is fat. Alice wrote he was a month old and weighes 23 lbs. Sister's baby just weighed 16 lbs when I was up there and is the cutest little thing ever was and he sure will be rotten, for they all think he is just the very rosome and I think so too, and if I was clost I would ruin him sure, for that's my game, most especially with one of her kids, for they all think more of me than most any body. I'm going to learn him to call me Aunt Katy, you know. I think more of that name than any name I wear, for it a name that my boy in France gave me, and that's why I guess I like the name of Katy so well. I heard from him two days ago. He wrote the letter 16 of Feb and was well. I'll send you one of my shaddows to look at. So raise a good garden now. Ha Ha. Say I haven't gardened any yet, have you?
Well I must stop and write Maggie a line or two
So answer soon.
Your Lovingly Sister, Rachel.
To my good Sis.
Bye Bye

Miss Maggie Cheek.

Dearest Maggie,
And how are you by now? We are both toloble well but I haven't been very stout for some time. The flu finally did find us but didn't hurt either to amount to any thing. But it sure served most of our folks rough. Poor old Bob. He sure is a scary site to look at. But I guess J H has got home by now and has saw you all and told you all bout us folks out west. Say I sure wish you all to be clost to, we could be to gather some time. Say I got a letter from Robert a day or so back. He was in dear old France on th 6 of Feb but could be across by now, as there's a lot come across in the month of Feb. He finally did get a letter from me and it sure did make him feel like life is worth living after all. I hope your solder boy makes it all ok. Say Im sending you all a shaddow to look at and some of my little dog. He sure is cute too. Well kid, Luther is a waiting for this letter. He's going to town and I must stop so as to get it mailed. So please excuse this short letter this once.
Write Soon
A Lovingly Aunt Rachel
Bye Bye

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