Super Soaker Tech

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How the Constant Pressure System Works

The constant pressure system (CPS) is the most efficient and powerful system manufactured to date. It uses a rubber chamber, either cylindrical or spherical, to create pressure. Neither way is necessarily better, but they both are able to get rid of dropoff and create extremely powerful streams. Spherical chambers look much like very thick balloons, while cylindrical look like long cylinders (duh) made of thick rubber. It is used in the Flash Flood and the Aquapack Devastator.

Virtually no dropoff
Can achieve very high ranges, shot times, and outputs in a small space
Most powerful stock soakers are CPS

Maintenance is higher than your average soaker because of the rubber
They use water extremely fast

How it works:

1. Water is pushed into the CPS chamber, expanding the rubber outwards.
2. When the trigger valve is opened, the elasticy of rubber pushes the water out the nozzle.