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Gangaa (3)

1. Birth of Gangaa: Two Versions
2. Bhageerath and Gangaa
3. Kaartikeya and Gangaa
4. Shantanu and Gangaa

Kaartikeya and Gangaa

This story shows that Gangaa was the daughter of Himvaan (Himaalaya) and was the elder sister of Paarvatee Jee. Once she bore a son of Shiv Jee through Agni Dev. His name was Kaartikeya. Read the whole story in Kaartikeya.

Shantanu and Gangaa

Once Gangaa came in the court of Indra with her father Brahmaa Jee. There was sitting Raajaa Mahaabhish also. He was Indra's friend and used to come there often to see Apsaraa's dance. He saw her and she saw him and both got lost in each other. In the meantime wind blew and removed her cloth from her body. All Devtaa sitting there lowered their eyes but neither Gangaa could know that, nor Raajaa moved his eyes. As Brahmaa Jee noticed this, he gave Shaap to Gangaa that she should be born on Prithvi. At the same time he gave Shaap to Raajaa Mahaabhish also that he should also be born on Prithvi and live with Gangaa. So Mahaabhish was born as Shantanu on Prithvi.

When Gangaa was returning from there, she saw eight Vasu sad and worried. On asking they told that thaey had the Shaap of Vashishth to be born on Prithvi. Gangaa said - "I can bear you as my children and I will give you Mukti from this Shaap, but one has to stay there back on Prithvi. Vasu agreed and seven of them gave their part some qualities to the eighth one who was going to stay on Prithvi.

So Shantanu was born as Hastinaapur Raajaa, and Gangaa lured him to marry her with a condition that he won't ask any question about what she was doing and why. If he will ask, she will go back to her Lok after replying his question.

Both got married and started living happily. When she bore the first son, she took him and flowed in Gangaa River and gave Mukti to him. Raajaa got extremely sad and wondered on her act. She did this to Raajaa's seven sons. When she was taking his eighth son, he could not restrain himself and broke his promise by asking as why was she doing it? 

As per her promise, she told the whole story to Shantanu and said - "Hey Raajan, As you broke your promise, I am free from my Shaap. Now my time to go away from here has come, but it seemd this Vasu's Shaap is not yet completed so he will have to stay back on Prithvi. She named him Devavrat. Then she went away along with the son that she would return his son when the time would come.

She came back after 16 years to return Raajaa Shantanu's son to him.

Read this story in Shantanu.





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Created by Sushma Gupta On 5/27/04
Modified on 10/21/04