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Duryodhan (3)

1. Duryodhan and His Childhood
2. Duryodhan and Paandav
3. Duryodhan and Yudhishthir
4. Duryodhan During and After Agyaatvaas
5. Duryodhan Goes to Krishn
6. Duryodhan in War

Duryodhan and Raajaa Yudhishthir (2)

Yudhishthir Saves Life of Duryodhan

Duryodhan did not sit quiet even after sending Paanadav to Van. He always had some plan or the other to trouble them. As they had gone to Van, and there was some peace, Duryodhan got restless. Shakuni advised him that go pretending that you are going for gaming, and thus hit their self-respect. So he, along with Dushaasan and Karn, camped very close to the site where Paandav were living, in Kaamyak Van. They were enjoying with good food and music and dances etc. Paandav also came to know about this.

One day when Duryodhan was coming from somewhere, he saw a Gandharv girl and misbehaved with her. Somehow she ran away and complained her brother, Gandharv Chitrasen. Her brother came there with his people to ask for justice. They killed all guards and gatekeepers and came inside the tent where Duryodhan, Dushaasan and Karn were busy in drinking and enjoying music and dance. Her father arrested Duryodhan and tied with a pole of the tent. They beat Dushaasan badly. Karn was drunk, so he couldn't know much about it. Thus both were away. 

His one body guard escaped somehow and told everything to Paandav. Paandav brothers were not ready to help Duryodhan, but Yudhishthir said - "We will help him because he is our brother. What we do inside our families is our own matter but for outsiders we are one. We will solve our differences ourselves, they should not be known to others. So Bheem and Arjun, you go there and free Duryodhan from Gandharv."

Thus Bheem and Arjun went and got him freed. But he was not feeling obligatory to them, because it was their duty to protect their king. Of course, Duryodhan killed that guard later that "why did he go to Paandav to ask for help". Although he told that he wanted to save Duryodhan's life, but Duryodhan didn't listen to any argument.

Duryodhan Sends Durvaasaa Rishi to Paandav

Once Durvaasaa Rishi came to Hastinaapur along with his disciples. Duryodhan welcomed them heartily and offered them nice food etc. Durvaasaa Rishi got very pleased with his behavior so he asked him to ask any Var. Duryodhan got very happy to hear this and he couldn't find any other opportunity to destroy Paandav except Durvasaa Muni's Shaap. So he said to Durvaasaa Rishi - "Yushishthir is the eldest among ourselves, therefore you accept Paandav's hospitality along with your 10,000 disciples. And you should go at such time when Draupadee should have eaten her food so that she should not suffer from being hungry.

Durvaasaa Rishi arrived at Paandav's place. They met Yudhishthir on the way, and told him that they were going to take bath in the river and after returning from there would have food at his place. Yudhishthir came back to his place and said everything to Draupadee. Now Draupadee had a pot given by Soorya Dev which produced food until Draupadee had eaten her food. After that it had no food. When Yudhishthir came, Draupadee had already had her food, so her pot was empty. Now all got very worried as how they would entertain the Rishi and his disciples. If they could not, he would give them Shaap.

The then Krishn appeared at the door asking for food that He was very hungry and He wanted food very soon. Draupadee got very pleased that Krishn asked her for food, but was sorry to tell everything to Him. She told that her pot was now empty and there was no food in her house. Krishn asked for that pot, but Draupadee said that it was cleaned properly. Krishn insisted to bring that pot to Him soon. Although Draupadee asked, "What you will do of that empty pot?" But Krishn said "You just bring it, let me see if you have cleaned it properly or not."

Draupadee brought it, Krishn examined it from inside from all around. He found a grain of rice (some say it was a green leaf) stuck to the side of the pot. Krishn said - "You have not cleaned it properly, see, I have got this grain of rice." and eating that rice and putting His hand on His stomach, He said - "Now the whole Trilok should feel satisfied with this grain of rice." and said to Draupadee - "Now you don't worry, Durvaasaa Rishi will not come here to take food." And He went away. Suddenly Durvaasaa Rishi and his disciples felt so much satisfied while taking bath in the river, that they didn't even to think to come to Yudhishthir's camp because they felt so full that they could not have taken any food at Paandav's place. Thus Krishn saved Paandav from embarrassment as well as Shaap of Durvaasaa Muni.





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Created by Sushma GuptaOn 05/27/04
Modified on 10/23/04