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Draupadee (1)

1. Who was Draupadee, Her Birth and Her Marriage to Five Paandav
2. Why Draupadee had Five Husbands?
3. Draupadee as Queen - 1
4. Draupadee as Queen - 2
5. Draupadee in Exile
6. Draupadee After the War

Who was Draupadee?

Draupadee is a Mahaabhaarat character. She was the daughter of Raajaa Drupad, king of Paanchaal Desh. Thus she was called Paanchaalee too. On her birth she was named as Krishnaa, but she is popullarly known as Draupadee. She was born out of Havan Kund. She was very beautiful and her hair was incomparable to anyone else's hair. It was very long, black, lustrous, shining, radiant, shimmering. She was very proud of her beauty and especially of her hair. Later she became proud of her five husbands too. She had four brothers, named Dhrishtdyumn, who was also born from the same Havan Kund before her, Shikhandee, Uttamaujaa and Yudhaamanyu. When she was born, Aakaashvaanee said - "This woman who is the most beautiful of women, will be the cause of the destruction of all Kshatriya. She is born to fulfill a divine purpose."

Why and How She was Born?

Raajaa Drupad had the enmity with Dronaachaarya, [Read Drupad, Dronaachaarya first to know the details of their enmity], besides he had the appreciation for Arjun when he defeated him and made captive for Drone to pay his Guru Dakshinaa. At that time he wished that if he had a daughter, he would have married her to Arjun. So he wanted a son who could kill Drone and a daughter whom he could marry to Arjun. So he arranged for a Yagya which could give him a son like that and a daughter for Arjun. So the Rishi did a Yagya which caused a chariot to appear in which a handsome youth was sitting in a warrior attire. Drupad got very happy to see him and got assured that he would surely kill Drone. Then appeared a very beautiful woman who was worthy bride for Arjun. Thus they were divine children - they were named as Dhrishtdyumn and Krishnaa, better known as Draupadee.

To know another reason of her coming to Earth, read "Why Draupadee had five husbands?"

Draupadee's Marriage to Five Paandav

Drupad wanted Draupadee to marry to Arjun, so he created a machine in which a fish was revolving on the top and one had to pierce its left eye looking in the pond of oil at the bottom of it. When Draupadee's Swayamvar was organized, Paandav were spending their time hiding in forest in disguise of Braahman after their Baaranaavat incident. They also heard the news of her Swayamvar, so they also went there. 

Duryodhan, Karn and Jayadrath were also there as her suitor. Many kings could not even move the bow. Duryodhan and Jayadrath were also among them. Karn also tried. He did pick the bow and went to that machine to aim at it, but Shree Krishn gestured to Draupadee  not to marry him. So Draupadee said - "I will not marry a Soot-Putra." Karn felt very much insulted and this insult came out when he was sitting with Duryodhan at the time he was playing Chausar (a dice game) with Paandav when Duryodhan ordered Dushaasan to bring Draupadee pulling by her hair. He said - "What kind of respect a woman can have, who has five husbands. There was nothing wrong even if she had been brought naked in the court."

Well, then Shree Krishn eyed at Arjun to come and aim at the fish. Arjun did it and Draupadee was married to Arjun. Since Paandav were in Braahman's guise nobody could recognize them except Shree Krishn. Kshatriya kings present there sat there just like that and a Braahman took a princess away. They didn't like it but they couldn't do anything.

On their way to home, Paandav thought to gave a surprise to their mother Kuntee. They said at the door of the house, "See, what we have brought in Bhikshaa (alms) today?" Without seeing what it was, Kuntee said from inside, as usual - "Distribute among yourselves." Now all Paandav got surprised to hear this. They just remained stood there silently. In the meantime Kuntee thought that her children asked her to see the Bhikshaa. What does it mean? Why did they want her to see it? So she came out and saw Draupadee standing with them. Now she repented for her words, and scolded her children saying that "was she a Bhikshaa? You called her a Bhakshaa?" They were all thinking as what to do, because Maa's words could not be untrue, that Shree Krishn came there and told them the story as why Kuntee said this to them. [Read Krishn's explanation on Next Page)

In Drupad's place, Drupad never expected a Braahman to take away his daughter, because he wanted to marry his daughter to Arjun, but he also couldn't do anything because the Braahman had fulfilled the condition of the marriage so he took her. But Drupad also could not believe that a Braahman could aim at the fish like this, because that machine was especially designed keeping Arjun's skills in mind. It meant that there was some Braahman also who had such skills. Who is he? So he sent his son Dhrishtdyumn to follow them and find out about them and his daughter.

Dhrishdyumn followed them up to their house, saw and heard everything from Paandav's words to Krishn's explanation. He immediately came back to his father and told everything to him. Drupad first got sad hearing this that his daughter will be the wife of five husbands but then got satisfied hearing that his daughter was in right hands and Krishn's explanation about her to marry to five husbands.

She had five sons from five Paandav: 
Prativindhya from Yudhishthir
Shrutsom from Bheem
Shrutkarman from Arjun
Shataaneek from Nakul, and
Shrutsen from Sahadev

Coincidentally they looked like their fathers.





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Created by Sushma Gupta On 5/27/04
Modified on 02/02/05