The O'Donnell Family Facts & Tidbits

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Lock Haven Express Island News Lock Haven Express

Lock Haven Express Island News

Lock Haven Express - January 7, 1904
Island News

John Q. Baird, a juror from this place, spent last week in Lock Haven.

A. T. Baird has purchased from E. B. Kline 22 acres of the hill land that belonged to the Baird Farm, which Mr. King recently bought from the Baird estate.

Miss Eunice O'Donnell of this place has gone to Lock Haven to remain for the balance of the winter.

Baird & Glise, two of Dunnstable township's school directors, are attending the School Directors association at the court house this week.

The centennial school house was on fire a few days ago and had it not been that the fire was discovered when it was, the house would have burned down as the fire........(no ending!)
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Lock Haven Express - February 28, 1904
Island News

R. W. Chambers, who has been confined to the house for the last two weeks, is improving slowly.

Miss Mame Packer & Miss Grace Steckenfinger of Lock Haven Sundayed with the O'Donnell family.

The first locomobile of the season passed through our town on Sunday.

Monday afternoon A. T. Baird drove to Lock Haven in a two house spring wagon and tied his horses in front of Gus Merrill's place of business on Church Street.  While Mr. Baird was transacting some business with Mr. Merrill, some party drove against the spring wagon and completely upset it and demolished it so badly that Mr. Baird was compelled to leave it at the repair shop and walk home.
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Lock Haven Express - March 7, 1904
Island News

Archie O'Donnell left on Monday morning for Hayes Run where he secured employment at laying brock.
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Lock Haven Express - March 21, 1904
Island News

The young  people of this place tendered William Chambers and wife a serenade on last Saturday evening after their arrival from a honeymoon trip.

R. W. Chambers, who has been confined to his bed for the last five weeks with pleurisy, is improving slowly.

A. T. Baird transacted business at Jersey Shore last Friday.
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Lock Haven Express - March 23, 1904
Island News

L. D. Chambers and wife, who left Friday evening for Youngstown, Ohio, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Chamber's brother, William Proctor, returned home Tuesday morning.

Harvey Taylor, an employee of the P. & E. Railroad, spent a few days with friends the latter part of last week.

A. T. Baird finished thrashing the balance of his 1903 crop of wheat last Tuesday afternoon.

John Q. Baird had the balance of his last year's crop of wheat thrashed out last Friday.

James Chambers, an employee of the New York Central Railroad Co., returned to Hays Run to his work after spending three weeks of a vacation at home.
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Lock Haven Express - April 4, 1904
Island News

Mrs. Mary Chambers spent last week at Lusk Run, visiting friends.

The Centennial School has been closed on account of the teacher, G. B. M. Getz, being ill with grippe.

Harvey Baird of Williamsport stopped over Sunday with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Baird.

Charles O'Donnell, a student of State College, spent Sunday at this place with his parents.
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Lock Haven Express - April 22, 1904
Island News

Archie 'Donnell left for Philadelphia on Wednesday, where he will be employed as bricklayer for O. E. Flise.

Mrs. John Q. Baird is on the sick list.

Roy Chambers, a pupil of the high school at Lock Haven, left Tuesday morning for Bells Landing.  Clearfield County, where he expects to spend the summer.

Mrs. L. D. Chambers attended quarterly conference at Trinity M. E. Church at Lock Haven on last Thursday afternoon.
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Lock Haven Express - April 28, 1904
Island News

The Sunday School was reorganized on Sunday afternoon and the following officers elected to serve for the ensuing year.  Superintendent, E. B. King; Secretary, L. D. Chambers; Treasurer, Mrs. Lottie O'Donnell; organist, Ethel O'Donnell.  It is a missionary Sunday School, and all collections taken the first Sunday in each month will go to the missionary cause.  The hour for Sunday School will be 9:30 a.m. the rest of the season.
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Lock Haven Express - May 12, 1904
Island News

Archie O'Donnell left on Monday for Hayes Run where he will spend part of the summer.

Arthur McCloskey and wife of Hyner, and Mrs. Kline Farwell of Renovo, visited over Sunday with J. Q. Baird and family.

Robert Baird, after sever attack of German measles, is able to be around again.

Mrs. Martha Taylor is visiting friends in Lock Haven.

W. F. Rich and wife of Woolrich stopped at the residence of John Q. Baird and family on Sunday.

The Misses Mame Packer and Grace Steckenfinger of Lock Haven Sundayed with M. H. O'Donnell and family.
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Lock Haven Express - September 14, 1904
Island News

Charles O'Donnell left on last Friday for State College, where he expects to remain until the close of the term.

William Chambers who has been in the Lock Haven Hospital for several weeks with typhoid fever, came home on last Friday.

M. H. O'Donnell Sundayed with friends at Lock Haven.
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Lock Haven Express - September 27, 1904
Island News

Arthur McCloskey and W. S. Baird will leave Wednesday for a few weeks.

J. A. O'Donnell left on Monday morning for Altoona for a few weeks.

Dr. E. J. Baird and wife of Lock Haven were among the visitors in our town Sunday.

Don't forget that there will be a festival, necktie social and oyster supper at this place next Saturday evening.  Ice cream, cake and candies.  Go and take your best girl.
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Lock Haven Express - October 12, 1904
Island News

Harvey Taylor and wife intend moving from this place to Lock Haven this week.

W. S. Baird and Arthur McCloskey returned home on Sunday morning, after a pleasant visit of 10 days at the World's Fair.

M. H. O'Donnell Sundayed at lock Haven with Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hamberger.

There was a very large run of locomobiles on the road Sunday and some of them were driven at a terrific speed.

A. T. Baird and wife entertained at their residence on Sunday, ex-Treasurer Frank Harris, Grace Owens of Clearfield, Dr. E. J. Baird and family of Lock Haven, William Buck and Earnest Moran.

The following is the report of the Centennial School for the month of September, ending September 30: Whole number in attendance, ale 20; female 17; total 37, per cent of attendance, male, 95; female 94; total 94.5.  Those who did not miss any days during the month were: Ralph Chambers; Robert Sanders; Joseph Sanders; George Baird; Edmund Baird; Harry Shaffer; Charles Glise; Marie Glise; Lizzie Probst; Mary Baird; and Ruth Sanders.  Those that missed two days and less were, Henry O'Donnell; Frank Baird; Arthur Baird; Orville Shirk; Rosie Probst; Sarah O'Donnell and Clair King.  Visitors one. G. B. M. Getz, teacher.
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Lock Haven Express - October 19, 1904
Island News

The Misses Alma and Ethel O'Donnell were Lock Haven visitors for a few days last week.
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Lock Haven Express - October 26, 1904
Island News

L. D. Chambers and wife and Miss Maud Glise Sundayed at Lusk Run with Mrs. Emma Wilson.

Michael McNarney of Parsons, Kansas was a visitor in our town over Sunday at the home of M. H. O'Donnell.
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Lock Haven Express - November 2, 1904
Island News

John Baird had 15 tons of hay and straw baled the latter part of last week by Mac Keisner of Safe Harbor.

Joseph Hamberger, who has been suffering from an attack of asthma for the last week, is slowly improving.

Roy Chambers was at Renovo last Saturday playing football.
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Lock Haven Express - December 29, 1904
Island News

M. H. O'Donnell is confined to his house with a lame back.

Charles O'Donnell, a student of State College, spent his Christmas at this place.

Joseph Hamberger, one of Dunnstable Township's old and highly respected citizens is lying seriously ill at his home with little hope for his recovery.

William Chambers is home from Williamsport to spend the holidays with his parents.

V. C. Chambers returned home last Saturday after a week's visit with friends at Lusk Run.

The revival services that have been in the M. E. Church for the last three weeks closed Friday evening.  During the meeting there were 12 conversions.

Miss Florence Rich, of Woolrich, spent Christmas with her grandparents Mr. & Mrs. John Baird.
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Lock Haven Express

Lock Haven Express - February 17, 1904

John McCloskey and family of Charlton were Sunday visitors at this place.

J. Q. Baird is confined to the house with an attack of grip.
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Lock Haven Express - March 21, 1904

R. W. Chambers, who has been confined to his bed for the last five weeks with pleurisy, is improving slowly.

The young people of this place tendered William Chambers and wife a serenade on last Saturday evening after their arrival from a honeymoon.
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Lock Haven Express - April 22, 1904

A. J. Baird attended conference at Oak Grove Friday afternoon.

C. E. Chambers broke ground for a building which he is going to attach to his house.

Mrs. L. D. Chambers attended quarterly conference at Trinity M. E. Church at Lock Haven last Thursday afternoon.

Roy Chambers, a pupil of the high school at Lock Haven, left Tuesday morning for Bella Landing, Clearfield County, where he expects to spend the summer.

Mrs. John Q. Baird is on the sick list.

Archie O'Donnell left for Philadelphia on Wednesday, where he will be employed as bricklayer for O. E. Flise.
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Lock Haven Express - September 14, 1904

Charles O'Donnell let last Friday for State College, where he expects to remain until the close of the term.

William Chambers who has been in the Lock Haven Hospital for several weeks with typhoid fever, came home on last Friday.
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Lock Haven Express - September 28, 1904

Dr. E. J. Baird and wife of Lock Haven were among the visitors in our town Sunday.

J. A. O'Donnell left on Monday morning for Altoona for a few weeks.

Arthur McCloskey and W. S. Baird will leave Wednesday for St. Louis.
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Lock Haven Express - October 26, 1904

L. D. Chambers and wife and Miss Maud Glise Sundayed at Lusk Run with Mrs. Emma Wilson.

Michael McNarney of Parsons, Kansas, was a visitor in our town over Sunday at hte home of M. H. O'Donnell.
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