
*Christian Research and Evangelism by Dave Sherrill.

*Guide to the Major Cults

*An Open Letter to a Local Bookstore concerning the Faith Movement

*The Faith Movement May be Prospering, but is it Healthy?" Excellent article summarizing the false teachings of the cultic Faith Movement. A must-read!

*What's Wrong with the Faith Movement: Part One by Hank Hanegraaff

*What's Wrong with the Faith Movement: Part Two

* Seven Ways Jehovah's Witnesses Distort True Christianity by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson

*Answers to Jehovah's Witnesses

*Jesus is God: A Response to Jehovah's Witnesses by MP.

*For Any Latter Day Saint: One Investigator's Unanswered Questions

*Is Mormonism True? This has great evidence showing that mormonsim is not true and certainly not Christian.

*Letter to Christian Scientists by MP: This covers most of the false teachings of Christian Science and shows why they are not true. Very informative.

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