
Responses to Atheism

*The Psychology of Atheism by Professor Paul C. Vitz

*Putting the Atheist on the Defensive: Parts One and Two by Kenneth R. Samples, in CRJ.

* Stategies for Dialoguing with Atheists by Ron Rhodes

*Theism, Atheism, and Rationality by Alvin Plantiga

*Why the Burden of Proof is on the Atheist by Professor Ralph McInerny

Michael Martin

*Responses to Michael Martin: Exchanges between John M. Frame and Michael Martin

*Response to Michael Martin by CRJ

* Martin's Response to CRJ

Farrell Till

* Geisler-Till Debate Norman L. Geisler and Farrell Till

* Justifying Non-Christian Objections By: Douglas Wilson and Farrell Till

Corey Washington

*THE CRAIG-WASHINGTON DEBATE: DOES GOD EXIST?: William Lane Craig and Corey G. Washington with annotations by Corey G. Washington, February 1995

Andrew Sullivan and Stephen Chapman

"Dispatches and Dialogues" from Slate:

Sept. 29, 1996
Oct. 7, 1996
Oct. 11, 1996
Oct. 16, 1996
Oct. 24, 1996
Nov. 7, 1996
Nov. 13, 1996
Nov. 27, 1996
Dec. 6, 1996

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