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the lowest concentration of ligand able to induce maximal transcriptional activity) were determined by comparing the transcriptional activity induced by various concentrations of each compound to that of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). steroids deca Steroid synthesis. The efficacy of individual compounds compared to DHT was calculated by dividing the maximal transcriptional activation observed for each compound by the maximal transcriptional activation observed for DHT. All experiments were performed in triplicate. Potency was reported as the lowest concentration of the ligand used during transfection experiments capable of producing maximal androgen receptor-mediated transcriptional activity. steroids deca Steroids and cancer. Discussion:First a few words about the study design. The methods used in this study are common when testing new drugs that bind with receptors. The easiest thing to do is simply put the drug in a medium containing the receptors and see how well they bind to them. steroids deca Side effects of steroids. Does this mimic an in vivo environment? Not exactly. But it does answer the question as to whether the drug will or will not bind to the desired receptor. In this study, the ability of these compounds to bind to androgen receptors, or their binding affinity, was compared to that of 3H-MIB which is known to have a very high affinity for the androgen receptor. The efficacy, or ability of the compound to stimulate maximum transcriptional activity in intact cells, was compared to that of DHT which is thought to be the dominant compound by which androgenic activity is stimulated in the body. The potency, or the lowest concentration of ligand able to induce maximal transcriptional activity in intact cells, was also compared to that of DHT. This study is the first to discover compounds that do not share the steroidal structure that are able to bind with the androgen receptor as an agonist for transcriptional activity. Remember that transcription is the first step in protein synthesis. It is sort of ironic that these compounds were created using the structure of known anti-androgens. One particular compound named R-1 had very similar androgenic activity to that of DHT.

Steroids deca

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