Montgomery County Maryland REACT

Team # 2388

"Public Service & Disaster Communications At Its Best !"


Monitoring and providing assistance to the motoring public are the primary functions of REACT. As a REACT monitor, you have volunteered to listen to GMRS and CB Channel 9 and to assist the motoring public, whether it be an emergency or directions.


  1. Be Calm - No matter what type of emergency call you may be taking, it is very important that you remain calm and in control of the situation(s) at all times. Do not let your voice reveal your emotions. If the caller feels that you are panicking or are not in control of the situations, he/she is apt to feel the same way.

  2. Be Courteous - Since you are a public service volunteer, and monitoring promotes good public relations, it is important that you remain courteous at all times. DO NOT argue with other monitors, no matter what the reason.

  3. Be Correct - It is very important that you obtain correct information when taking a call. When/if necessary, ask the caller to repeat information you may have missed. You may then repeat it back for confirmation, if time and the situation allow.

  4. Be Concise - When in doubt about giving directions, consult a map. If the caller is not sure about which direction he is traveling, ask questions. Are you going towards DC or away from it? Are you on the innerloop or the outerloop of the beltway? What was the last exit you passed? The caller's answers to these questions should give you a general idea of his direction of travel. Always try to remember to keep transmissions on GMRS and CB Channel 9 brief, as others may be trying to relay or receive information.


  1. DO answer all emergency calls, assist the motoring public, and keep responses brief and concise.

  2. DO use a call sign when signing off GMRS. If using team equipment, use the team's call sign. For example: "KAB3548". Be sure to say each number individually. Example, 113 is one-one-three not one thirteen.

  3. DON'T argue with anyone on the radio. Arguing wastes time and does not leave a good impression of REACT with anyone who might be listening.


  1. Identify Yourself:

    For example:
      "This is Montgomery County REACT Unit ###, with a report of ________."

  2. Information: Give as much of the following information as you can:

      Location (Address, Street and Cross street)
      Nature of Problem (Accident, Burglary, Fire, Fight, Mugging, Robbery, etc.)
      Type and Extent of problem:
        State the nature of the problem giving ALL PERTINENT information that may be needed -- if an accident, give the number of injuries and number and extent of injuries, if known.


  1. Accidents With Injury and Property Damage Accidents Blocking the Roadway -- report to the police.

  2. Non-injury Accidents Not Blocking - if one or more vehicles requires a tow, if one or both parties seem to be under the influence, or if you cannot determine specifics, call the police. If neither vehicle requires towing, advise the involved parties to exchange information. If one or both parties wish to, they can respond to a police station and report the incident. This matter is legally a civil one and considered by most police departments to be a very low priority.


  1. Identify yourself:

    For example:
      "This is Montgomery County REACT Unit ###, with a report of ________. "

  2. Information: Give as much of the following information as you can:

      Location (Address, Street and Cross street)
      Nature of Problem (Fire or Injured Person)
      Type and Extent of problem

Hit Counter
Hits on this page since 02/27/1998

Created June 24, 1996 by: James W. Spinks,Team Webmaster .
Last update: November 29, 2001

Montgomery County REACT
c/o DFRS/Emergency Management
100 Maryland Ave. Room 220
Rockville, MD 20850-2368
Voice Mail: (240) 777-2380

Team E-mail

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