National Capital REACT, Inc.

"Public Service & Disaster Communications At Its Best !"



National Capital REACT was officially formed in 1964 to provide emergency communications and assistance to motorists on CB. The group quickly grew and soon had members throughout the Washington DC metropolitan area. NCRI was among the original petitioners to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for the action which resulted in designation of CB Channel 9 solely for emergency communications and assistance to motorists. NCRI is nationally recognized, by other groups and government agencies, as one of the superior emergency monitoring groups. NCRI members serve as advisors to government agencies, including the FCC.


NCRI is composed of two area REACT teams -- Fairfax, Virginia and Montgomery County, Maryland -- as well as members of its own (designated "300" units). Area-wide activities are conducted by NCRI while local activities are carried out by area teams. NCRI and its member teams have an open membership policy. NCRI administration and policy are the responsibility of a Board of Directors, elected by the membership.


In the late 1970's, NCRI established an area repeater system in GMRS to enhance members' communications capabilities. Two repeaters are maintained by NCRI. Members, and non-REACT users, pay a yearly fee to use them. Non-REACT repeater users are designated as either "800" or "900" unit numbers.

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Hits on this page since 02/27/1998

Created June 24, 1996 by: James W. Spinks,Team Webmaster .
Last update: November 29, 2001

Montgomery County REACT
c/o DFRS/Emergency Management
100 Maryland Ave. Room 220
Rockville, MD 20850-2368
Voice Mail: (240) 777-2380

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