©1998-2009 Maria Helena Rowell

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The Master Poets Collection:
William Shakespeare
A Poet for All Time

1997 - VHS

Some of the Bard's best-known poetic works are dramatized by British actor Alan Howard in this captivating feature produced for PBS. Highlights include "All the World's a Stage" (As You Like It), "O, for a Muse of Fire" (King Henry V), "To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow" (Macbeth), and Sonnet 18 ("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?").

The Power of Myth
Joseph Campbell
Vols. 1-6
1988 - VHS

In this fascinating documentary series, author/teacher/master storyteller Joseph Campbell discusses mythology and its relevance to today's world with host Bill Moyers. Specially priced set of all six volumes from the PBS series. Includes "The Hero's Adventure," "The Message of the Myth," "The First Storytellers," "Sacrifice and Bliss," "Love and the Goddess," and "Masks of Eternity."

Artist of the Soul
Carl Gustav Jung - Documentary
1997 - VHS

Jung's life and philosophy - biography, photos and film clips

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