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If you're the type of person who likes to prepare your own tax return -- good for you.  You may wish to review this list, as here are some of the most common errors that CRA reports on the returns they receive each year...

bulletFiling your income tax return before receiving all of your information slips. The most commonly late are T3 slips for investment income from a bank, investment agency or insurance company.
bulletFiling your income tax return with a marital status of "Single" when living with a Common Law Spouse for more than a year.
bulletNeglecting to file a return in order to receive the GST Credit and/or Child Tax Benefit for the coming year, even if you didn't have any income.
bulletNeglecting to claim taxable Child Support or Alimony payments as income...not all are taxable.
bulletNeglecting to claim the Eligible Dependant Amount for dependant children of single parents.
bulletNeglecting to claim the Disability Amount for yourself, your spouse or your relatives.
bulletNeglecting to claim the Education and Textbook Amounts for full-time attendance in college or university...or transferring unused amounts from your children.
bulletNeglecting to transfer unused Disability, Medical Expenses, Charitable Donations, Age Amounts, Tuition Fees and Education Deductions from a spouse or dependant.
bulletNeglecting to claim Child Care Expenses such as babysitting, nursery school and day camp costs.
bulletNeglecting to claim Investment Carrying Charges such as Safe Deposit Box Fees or Interest on loans paid to earn investment income.
bulletNeglecting to claim Moving Expenses for a move to a new residence that is 40 kilometers closer to a new workplace.
bulletNeglecting to include Social Assistance or Workers Compensation payments in your Provincial Tax Credit and GST Tax Credit calculations.
bulletNeglecting to calculate the Ontario Tax Payable, in addition to the Federal amounts.


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