

	Hugh enters Control's office. Stephen appears to be 
	taking his own pulse.

Hugh		Hello, Control. (No reply) Control? Are you all
		right? You appear to be taking your pulse.

Stephen		I am a Russian spy, Tony. That's what I am.

Hugh		I beg your pardon?

Stephen		I plan to overthrow the Queen.

Hugh		Control, this is a bit of a surprise. All the more
		so because you're actually the head of the British

Stephen		I aim to undermine the entire Western way of life.

Hugh		Mmm. Before you do that, I'll go and telephone
		the relevant authorities. And as a precaution,
		please don't open any more letters.

Stephen		No, it's all right Murchison. I'm not really a
		Russian spy.

Hugh		Now Control. You mustn't say that just to spare
		me the paperwork.

Stephen		No honestly, Tony, I'm really not a Russian spy.
		And you were right, by the way. I was taking
		my pulse.

Hugh		I thought as much. Because you were gripping
		your wrist lightly but firmly and counting to

Stephen		You see, our American counterparts have invented
		a new machine called a lie-detector, that let's you
		know when people are telling you fibs.

Hugh		Surely that would be rather useful for people in
		our line of work, Control?

Stephen		Exactly, Tony. The machine works on the well-
		known scientific principle that when someone's
		telling you a fib, their pulse speeds up.

Hugh		Gosh, Control, how incredibly ingenious but at the
		same time how quite simple.

Stephen		Sadly however, these machines are rather
		expensive to buy.

Hugh		Oh dear. Our American counterparts do often
		seem to have lots more money to spend than we
		do, don't they, Control?

Stephen		Yes, but what they have in money, I like to think
		we make up for in British know-how.

Hugh		I'm not quite following, Control.

Stephen		Well, Tony, at a fraction of the cost I have come up
		with this lie-detector.

	Indicates (stop-watch).

Hugh		A stop-watch, of course! It cuts out the need for
		expensive and cumbersome equipment.

Stephen		When I told you I was a Russian spy, I was telling
		a deliberate fib.

Hugh		Ah. You wanted to see if your pulse got faster?

Stephen		That's right.

Hugh		Did it?

Stephen		No.

Hugh		Oh dear. If your pulse didn't speed up, that must
		mean ...

Stephen		Yes. When I said I was a Russian spy, I must have
		been telling the truth.

Hugh		Mm. So on the very first try of this technique
		you've discovered that you, the Head of British
		Intelligence, are a Soviet agent.

Stephen		That's right. And Tony?

Hugh		Control?

Stephen		The £9.50 that it cost me to buy that stop-watch
		turns out to have been money well spent.

Hugh		Gosh, Control. The implications of your discovery
		are considerable.

Stephen		Aren't they, Murchison? The Minister will be ever
		so pleased.

Hugh		Mmm. Don't you think we ought to test the
		technique again, just to make sure?

Stephen		Good idea. We don't want to go round boasting
		that we've discovered that I'm a top level Russian
		spy unless we're absolutely certain.

Hugh		My thoughts exactly, Control.

Stephen		All right, Tony, you tell me a fib, and I'll see if your
		pulse goes up.

	Stephen takes Hugh's pulse.

Hugh		Hmm. Let's see if I can think of something that
		isn't true. Oh yes, I know. My name is Susan

	Pause. Stephen counts and then withdraws his hand.

Stephen		Well, that seems to prove it.

Hugh		Really?

Stephen		Yes, Susan, really.

Hugh		Mm. (Pause) Control?

Stephen		Yes, Susan?

Hugh		Why don't we go back to our old way?

Stephen		You mean ... ?

Hugh		Yes. The good old British Secret Service method
		of finding out if someone is telling you a fib or not.

Stephen		All right. You first. Is your name Tony Murchison?

Hugh		(Holding up hand) Yes. Cub's Honour.

Stephen		My turn.

Hugh		Are you a Russian spy?

Stephen		I am not a Russian spy, cross my heart and
		hope to die.

Hugh		Phew!

Stephen		Glad we're all sorted out again.

Hugh		Me too! You know what, Control?

Stephen		What, Tony?

Hugh		I'm going to bring you a cup of nice coffee
		now ...

	Makes to leave. Stops and smiles at Control.

		... and that's the truth!

Stephen		Boh!


Stephen (As woman) I've always loved that story.
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