m o v i e s   n e w s   c o n t a c t  
Manfredo Osterroht
President, Director of MoonBugS Inc.
was born at the end of WWII in the town of Tilsit, North Germany, the fabulous, poetic and forever lost province of Prussia.
At the beginning of the fifties, his family emigrated to Brazil, South America to begin a new life.

The The Romantic Portuguese language of Brazil became the language through which he completed his formal education. Tertiary education at the Brazilian university of Curitiba included: Fine Arts, Economics and finally M.D. in Architecture.
Manfredo is completely fluent in Portuguese, German, English and Italian.

His professional career with television began 30 years ago when he joined TV Parana's Channel 6, Network of EMISORAS ASSOCIADAS, as an artist at the age of 18.
Within a period of 3 years in television, Manfredo had turned his hand to writing, then producing and finally directing with a very popular flavour.

Today he stands with a record of:
88 Musicals, 12 Theatricals, 68 Cartoons, numerous Film-shorts and finally 9 Feature films, five of which have been distributed successfully throughout the South American continent.

The inspiration to write has come naturally to Manfredo by living in adventurous South America and Africa where he has encountered all the fascinating aspects of his stories in the everyday world. - by Terry Holton

Contact Manfredo:
e-mail: manfredo@osterroht.com


MoonBugS film Production
& Entertainment