Temple of Brenda

Room 3

And we continue with the story of Brenda Barrett. Enoy!

1994 found Brenda finally over her attraction to Jagger and fantasizing about a new man. She couldnt keep Sonny Corinthos off her mind. And Sonny, realizing her interest, found himself attracted to Brenda even more.
"Is danger what you're looking for?" Sonny flashed his dimpled smile at Brenda.
Brenda denied it. "Why do you say that?"
"Because ever since we met, every move you made has been flirting with danger."
But Brenda continued flirting.

Brenda soon found herself in the position to really help Sonny. In breaking Frank Smith out of jail, Sonny had been shot twice. Able to escape capture by the police, Sonny passed out while driving and crashed. Brenda, who was driving by, managed to get Sonny to his apartment and call a mob doctor. In the midst of this crisis, Brenda realized that she had fallen in love with Sonny. So when Sonny needed a blood transfusion to save his life, Brenda willingly became the donor and gave him her very blood. She then stayed with him day and night to nurse him back to health.

Ned, leading a double life as CEO of ELQ and rocker Eddie Maine, introduced Brenda to his new manager and lover, Lois, telling her that Brenda was like a little sister to him. Brenda and Lois became fast friends and Brenda introduced Lois to her boyfriend Sonny. It turned out that Sonny and Lois knew each other well from having grown up in the same Brooklyn neighborhood. When Brenda and Lois decided to start their own record company, L&B Records, Sonny decided to go legit and backed them financially. And so began the wild ride of Ned trying to keep his secret double life from both Lois and Sonny. Brenda continually begged Ned to come clean with Lois but he wouldnt. When Lois finally did find out, both Sonny and Lois were mad at Brenda for keeping quiet, but both soon forgave her.

Brenda, Sonny, Lois, and Ned next went to Puerto Rico to attend a concert put on by L&B artist Miguel. Sonny was also supposed to meet with his boss Frank Smith but after telling Luke about the meeting, he let Luke take his place. Luke ended up killing Frank. Sonny tried to convince Rivera, the Puerto Rico mob boss and Miguel's girlfriend Lily's father, that he was taking over Frank's operation. Brenda, who had followed Sonny to his meeting with Rivera, was caught by Rivera's men and held against Sonny's good behavior. Sonny and Luke got together and rescued Brenda. A chase ensued but they managed to escape and finally made it to the concert. There, Rivera's men kidnapped Sonny, Brenda, Miguel and Lily afterwards. Lily convinced her father to release them all by daring him to kill her too. He couldnt do it, of course, and so released them. Not long after returning to Port Charles, Brenda convinced Sonny that they should live together. Sonny thought this was bad timing, since unbeknownst to Brenda, he'd just successfully taken over Frank's organization. Still he gave in and helped her move into his apartment.

To continue the story of Brenda Barrett, please go on to The Temple, Room 4

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Temple of Brenda Index

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