Daimler Dart SP250 History

The Daimler Dart SP250

In compliance with BSA's board minute 11220, dated 22nd May 1958, a committee was formed to produce a report on the feasibility of the Daimler sports car project. Considering that this was a Daimler vehicle, it has to be said the committee selected was somewhat unusual, comprising of Mr Edward A. Griffiths (Daimler), Mr A.D. Mackay (BSA), Mr C.W.F. Parker and William Winters or Triumph Engineering (Winters was a director of Triumph and Daimler at the time) and three representatives from Mead Carney & Company - Mr L.B. Webbwilson, Mr L.G. Hawkins, and Mr M.L. Clough. In designing the car the emphasis throughtout had been to make it a really practical motor car for the enthuuast owner - a car which is a joy to drive, easy to service and completely reliable. The body is manufactured from reinforced polyester resin in a good aerodynamic shape and functional proportions. It is a 2/3 seater and four people could be accomodated for short journeys. Locker room is very adequate

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