Brazil - Rio

Brazilian Carnival-


Brazil holidays: Where to go
Southern Brazil - Florianopolis - Santa Catarina - Brazil


Inns and great hotels; old large houses and military castles of centuries XVII and XVIII; beaches, lagoons and small islands. These are some of the ingredients that locate to Florianópolis like a place than more tempting.

To the north, in Canasvieiras, Ingleses and Jureré are the beaches with greater infrastructure of the island. With exception of the anxious surge of Brava beach and Santinho beach, the waters of this zone are warm and calm . Santinho beach keeps, as well, a valuable treasure: it has cave paintings of about 5000 years old.

The youngest lovers of surf and visitors incline, in the coast this, by Joaquinha and Mole Beach; very different from Mozambique and Galheta, extensive beaches that comprise of ecological parks. To the south of Joaquina, is Campeche: it counts on an island and a landing field where it used to make the stop the writer and French aviator Saint-Exupéry when it operated the mail in South America.

The Conception Lagoon is one of the favorite refuges of the young people, since it allows them to practice different nautical sports and it has an extensive offer of bars and restaurants.

Surrounded by mountains, a dozen of calm beaches conserves, in the south of Santa Catarina, the enchantment of the fishermen towns. Matadeiro and Armazao beaches are the most famous. Here the House of Retirement of the Jesuits can be visited: from a hill, it offers a panoramic one of the beach and the Peri lagoon .

Brazil Holidays

Holidays Brazil

Rio is the most beautiful city in the world. This joy of life creates an energy that is palpable.
Brazil holidays


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