Brazil - Rio

Brazilian Carnival-


Brazil holidays: Where to go
Sao Paulo - SP- Brazil
With 18 million inhabitants, the financial capital of Brazil is a multifacética and attractive large city that allows to infinites strolls. A recommended circuit and how to draw for to the transit and other disadvantages.

Everything is enormous in Sao Paulo. The museums, the hotels, the popular soccer stadiums , parks, libraries, theaters, trade fairs, shoppings and the restaurants seem to correspond to that saying just by to watch from the window of the airplane the interminable accumulation of buildings, crossed by two rivers and tens of freeways. Great and chaotic, Sao Paulo is the South American capital of the industry and the businesses. But also it is one of the more important cultural centers of the planet. The slogan more used by the paulistas leaves it well clear: “Here everything happens at the same time and now”. Discover this incredible large city that it finishes turning 450 years.
"For almost five years since I live in Sao Paulo and still I do not know it", Raul, an Argentinean who works in the financial district. For that reason, better nor to try to be an expert overnight. It is necessary to visit some places and to pass it best the possible thing. Most of the tourists who arrive here they do it by businesses, work or conventions. But always there is time for the distension. For example, crossing the gorgeous Paulista Avenue, zone of banks that mix old buildings with ultramodern constructions and also it is transformed into the place chosen by the multitudes to concentrate itself in the celebrations.

Because of the transit chaos, that does not untie its traffic knots even in the early morning, It is better to move with the metro (subway), that is modern, safe, it is used by two million people per day and crosses great part of the 2,547 districts that has the city. With th metro is possible to be arrived at the Patio of the School, the exact place where the city the January 25, 1554 was based. There it is worth to take a classic Brazilian coffee in an historical patio surrounded by the original walls of one from the first Portuguese establishments in America. Alongside it is the museum and, opposite, the great building of the Palace of Justice, that sometimes was the first theater of the city.

To walk by San Pablo is not a task for anyone: it is necessary to know well what districts can be crossed without danger; in addition, he is very simple to lose itself by those streets that double, raise constantly and lower. But the sacrifice is worth the trouble to run into with the construction art decó that entered the Guinness book to have 1,600 departments and that were constructed as if outside a flag flaming: "Ouro Para o Bem de Sao Paulo", in the Alvares Penteado street . And blocks advanced more is possible to surprise before the dimensions of the Municipal Library, where they are stored more than 400,000 books.

Brazil Holidays

Brazil Holidays

Rio is the most beautiful city in the world. This joy of life creates an energy that is palpable.
Brazil holidays


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