Aussie Icons

The "Land Down Under" is loved by millions around the world for it's quirky and unique icons. From Australian animals to Crocodile Dundee or Akubra Hats, Australia has it all!
The Akubra Hat is Australia's well-known brand of wide brimmed hats, traditionally used by farmers and cattleherders in the Outback. The hats come in a wide variety of colours and styles and have slowly crept their way into the urban landscape.

The Crocodile Hunter aka Steve Irwin makes his living from producing series of documentaries about Australian animals. Irwin wrestles with crocodiles, tussles with deadly snakes and merely escapes brushes with death every episode... - all in the name of entertainment.

These 'cuddly' critters are often miscalled koala bears. In fact they are marsupials and not bears at all. Sleeping as much as 23 hours a day and snanking on the leaves of the Eucalyptus tree, these furry friends could be classified as lazy. They do tend to have an agressive nature when disturbed.

Kangaroo's the koalas hopping counterpart. Kangaroos are fast on their feet and use their huge tails as a rudder like instrument and to hold their balance. Kangaroos can too be agressive, using their sharp claws and heavy tails as defence weapons.

Did you know that 9 out of the 10 deadliest snakes in the world live in Australia? The King Cobra takes #1 position but following that they are all Aussie snakes. The Brown Snake, most commonly found in bush areas of Australia have a lethal venom and is classified as the 2nd deadliest snake in the world.

Ned Kelly the Outlaw is Australia's most well known Bushmen. Living over 150 years ago, Ned was into armed hold-ups with his gang of crooks. Escaping death many a time with the use of his trusty tin armour and helmet, Ned became hot property for police and law enforcement. He was finally hung for his crimes, his final famous words were "Such is Life".

The fictious character Crocodile Dundee was brought to life by the Australian actor Paul Hogan, in the numerous movies made with the same name. The rough tough Dundee one global audiences with his comic depiction of a crocodile hunter from the outback.

Australians practically live by the beach on weekends and holidays. Australian beaches offer some of the best waves and finest sands in the world. There are many famous beaches such as Bondi, Coogee and Surfers Paradise.

The good old Holden ute- an Aussie icon in it's own right. A utility vehicle that calls on the grunt of a V8 Powered Engine and the muscle of a pickup truck.

The Australian National Anthem titled "Advance Australia Fair" sings praises about our society and the way we live. The lyrics are listed below:

Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free,
We've golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea.
Our land abounds in nature's gifts, Of Beauty rich and rare.
In history's page, let ev'ry stage. Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross, we'll toil with hearts and hands,
To make this Commonwealth of our, renowned of all the lands.
For those who've come across the seas, We've boundless plains to share.
With courage let us all combine to Advance Australia Fair,
In joyful strains then let us sing Advance Australia Fair.

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