Aussie Slang


Australian Slang Words

A, as in the big A
To give someone the big A is to dismiss that someone
Aggravated, bothered, aggression
Unsubstantial, hare-brained, nothing much, in your dreams
Arvo Afternoon
Aussie Australian
Aussie salute Waving of the hand to shoo flies away
Avagoodweegend Have a good weekend
Bangers Sausages
Bangers and mash Sausages and mashed potato with gravy
Bewdy Beauty, she's a bewdy
Beaut Beautiful, lovely, great
Bikkie Biscuit
Biggie Something big or bigger than usual
Big smoke The city
Billabong A waterhole
Billy Container for boiling tea
Bizzo Business
Bloke Man
Bludger Lazy person
Blue A fight, arguement
Bluey Blue heeler, a breed of dog
Bob's your uncle A term of agreeance
Bottlo Bottle shop
Bum Buttocks or Bottom 
Bush The country, the bush
Bush telegraph The local gossip network
Bushed Very tired
Captain Cook To have a Captains Cook is to have a look
Chinwag A chat, conversation
Chook Chicken.
Cobber Mate, friend
Codger Bloke, man, especially elderly
Corker Something striking, astonishing or good
Corroboree Aboriginal assembly or gathering
Crook Sick, ill, as in He's crook or to be crook or angry with someone
Dead-set A certainty, assured
Digger Australian soldier
Ding A damaged section of a car, or bike
Dinki-di True blue, fair dinkum, genuine
Dinkum True blue, real, genuine. fair dinkum
Drongo Slow-witted person
Dunny An outside toilet.
Ear basher Someone who talks too much
Fair dinkum Genuine. also really
Fang To eat or feed up
Footy Football
Fossick Search often referred to search for small deposits of ore and precious metals
Garbo Garbologist, garbage collector
G'day, gidday Common daytime greeting, as in g'day mate
Good guts Accurate information
Goodie Something nice
Hooroo Goodbye, see you later
Iffy Doubtful, bit iffy
Jumbuck Sheep
Kiwi New Zealander
Knackered Exhausted
Knickers in a knot To become agitated or flustered
Lair Flashy dresser or extreme of behaviour
Larrikin Mischievous person normally young male
Loo Toilet or Dunny
Make a good fist Do a good job
Mate A friend, male acquaintance
Middy A middle-sized (285ml) glass beer
Motza A win normally associated with a gambling win
Mozzie Mosquito
Mug A fool
Never-never Buying on credit when it appears there is no end to the payments
Nick off Scram or get lost
Nong Fool, idiot
Oz Australia the land or Australian the person
Pollie Politician
Pommie, Pom Englishman
Pub A hotel
Quid Money
Rack off Command get lost
Ratbag Rascal
Reckon Very commonly used for think. You reckon?
Ripper Great, terrific, beauty
Roo Kangaroo
Schooner A large-sized (425ml) glass of beer
Sport Similar to mate
Shout Buy or pay for normally a shout of beer
Skite To boast or brag
Slab A carton of 24 beer cans
Smoko A break from work to have a brew and a cigarette
Sook Easily offended a Cry baby
Sport Similar to mate
Squib Back down, or act cowardly
Stickybeak To pry or meddle in an others one’s business
Stoked To be thrilled or delighted
Strewth Exclamation expressing surprise
Stubby Small bottle of beer
Sunnies Sunglasses
Suss Suspicious or of questionable nature
Swagman One who travels doing odd jobs.
Ta Thanks
Ta-ta Good-bye
Thingy To describe something when one may not know or has forgotten its’ name
Thongs Rubber sandals
Tinnie A can of beer or can also be an aluminium boat
True blue Genuine
Tucker Food or Bush Tucker is bush food
Underdaks Underpants
Ute Small truck, short for utility truck
Vegies Vegetables
Willy-willy Small spiral of wind and dust
Yack Chat or gossip
Yahoo A lout
Yobbo A lout
Yonks Ages to know someone for yonks
Zilch Nothing or nil
Zonked Stuffed, very tired or exhausted

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