
Some Day

Since the day, that we first met, you've been inside my mind,
Always there, what e'er I do, a reason. I can't find.

Since that day, I've seen you , dear, you're always in my dreams,
I search to find a reason why, there's not one there it seems.

Since the day, I fell for you, I've longed to hold you near,
I didn't plan to fall in love, and of that fact, I'm clear.

Since that day, when I looked up, and saw you standing there,
My heart has cried for your soft touch, but peace, I find no where.

Since the day you warmed my heart, and touched my weary soul,
I cannot bear a sunset, 'cause my love I can't control.

Since that day, I suffer, because, you I cannot hold,
A painful sense of hopelessness, a bitter aching cold.

Since the day, you walked away, and left me in my shame,
I've just one thing to tell you, dear, I love you, just the same.

Since that day, I can't deny, the love I have for you,
I keep a hope, in my heart, that someday, you'll love me too.

© 1999 Michael S. Madden


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