
A Peaceful World

I wish that I could offer you,
A world where dreams come true,
'Cause if I could, You know I'd give,
That kind of world to you.

A world completely lacking,
All the painful memories,
Those that steal our happiness,
And bring us to our knees.

In this world, where dreams come true,
And peace and joy abound,
Nothing could subdue your smile,
And hate could not be found.

The only tears that one could find,
Would be tears of joy,
Nothing there, could make you cry,
Nor sadness, could employ.

In this world, so full of bliss,
And free from agony,
I'd only wish, you'd be there,
And spend your time with me.

M. S. Madden
© 5/96
Maddog Creations


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