
Simply You

If I could find your secrets,
I'd hide them in my heart,
I'd keep them there forever,
And from you never part.

To find the right expression,
When someday, I shall greet,
And show you my emotions,
And, my heart, lay at your feet.

I wish I had the courage,
To gaze into your eyes,
And show you things, unspoken,
And take you by surprise.

I would love to be there,
To see your dreams come true,
To see the sparkle, in your eyes,
And watch the things, you'd do.

Nothing could be greater,
Than to see your smile,
To catch a glimpse, inside your heart,
You touch me with your style.

M. S. Madden © 3/98,
Maddog Creations

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Updated or Modified: 06/28/04 © 1998 - 2004 Maddog Creations