The Lament of Londo Mollari

The Lament of Londo Mollari
Words by Donelle Ostrowski
(to the tune of House of the Rising Sun)

Song omitted until i have permission to crosspost.
By "Donelle Ostrowski" ****************************************

Drench us all with old Bravari

Author: Vir

Here's another one, roughly in the tradition of Walt Kelly's "Deck Us All with Boston Charlie":

Drench us all with old Bravari
Naraneck a Kosh, and Ulkesh, too
Triluminate the Minbari
Take a piece of flarn and age some spoo
Don we now our Ranger leather
Epsilon, Procycon, Ragesh II
Zip then fasten all together
Last best hope for peace, and sing woo hoo!


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