The Psi Corp Anthem

Posted by cScott on April 19, 1998 at 03:26:31:

"Psi Corps Anthem"

by Al Bester

(to the tune of "Camp Grenada" by Alan Sherman)

Corps is Mother, Corps is Father
Can't escape it, so don't bother
We will help you with your training
And we'll change your mind if you feel like complaining.

Welcome to our Psi Corps city
Don't our wall plaques look so pretty
They're not just for decoration
Cause they help assure complete indoctrination.

Students test their mental power
They must practice for an hour
This may seem like barbarism
But it's better than the risk of aneurysm.

Some rogues try to terminate you
And the mundanes fear and hate you
It's confirmed by propaganda
Verified by our internal memoranda.

Who would leave, our safe protection
He just needs, some redirection
Bring him home, try not to hurt him
So that we can fix his troubled mind.

Now we go, before the mundanes interfere
This is our problem, make it clear
don't need them to stay
Just keep out of our way.

Now we've tracked him, to that station
(Such a source of irritation)
But the sooner we are starting
Then the sooner we are happily departing.

Our lost rogue is reunited,
With the family he has slighted,
We'll forgive him and embrace him
Not the mundane though, we'll have to hyper-space him.

*cScott's Babylon 5 Parodies


Bester is a Psi Cop
Posted by friendlou on May 04, 1998 at 23:20:57:

(May be sung to the tune of "Yellow Rose of Texas")

Oh, Bester is a Psi Cop, as ruthless as can be
He is the meanest S.O.B. that you will ever see
If you should ever meet him, take heed to what I say --
Do not incur his wrath, my friend, or you will rue the day

Well, Bester hunts down renegades, wherever they may roam
It's really for their own good, that Bester brings them home
Now, you may run away, my friend, elude him if you can
If anyone can find you, Al Bester is the man

Oh, Bester is a telepath -- yes, he can read your mind
So think good thoughts about him, or he will not be kind
And if he makes you suffer, you have my sympathy
It really is too bad, my friend, but better you than me

He calls the Corps his Momma, he calls the Corps his Dad
He surely is the best son, that Psi Corps ever had
He loves his fellow telepaths, they're one big family
But as for mundane normals, they're not his cup of tea

Too bad about Ms. Winters, we thought that she'd go far
But Mister Bester's got her brain -- I've heard it's in a jar
Now, Bester doesn't keep such things, as a general rule
But when it comes to Talia, he's a sentimental fool

Oh, Bester is a Psi Cop, as ruthless as can be
He is the meanest S.O.B., that you will ever see
If you should ever meet him, take heed to what I say --
Do not incur his wrath, my friend, or there'll be hell to pay !


He's always a Psi Cop to Me
Posted by Dairai on May 08, 1998 at 02:01:22:

He can kill with his mind
He can wound with his eyes
He can ruin your faith
With his casual lies
And he only reveals
What he wants you to see
He hides like a child
But he's always a good man to me

He can bring you to life
He can take you or leave it
You will not want the truth
But he'll make you believe it
And he'll take what you give him
As long as it's free
He steals like a theif
But he's always a good man to me

Oh, he takes care of himself
He can wait if he wants
He's ahead of his time
Oh, and he never gives out
And he never gives in
He just changes his mind

And he'll promise you more
Than the Garden of Eden
Then he'll carelessly cut you
And laugh while you're bleeding
But he'll bring out the best
And the worst you can be
Blame it all on yourself
Cause he's always a good man to me

Oh, he takes care of himself
He can wait if he wants
He's ahead of his time
Oh, and he never gives out
And he never gives in
He just changes his mind

He's frequently kind
Then he's suddenly cruel
But he can do as he pleases
He's nobody's fool
And he can't be convicted
He's earned his degree
And the most he will do
Is throw shadows at you
But he's always a Psi Cop to me.-

(Billy Joel song called "Always A Woman". I haven't sang it the right way for three years now...)

The Psi Corps is my friend,
Dairai ;)

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