The Challenge
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 Project 1
The situation
The solution

 Project 2
The situation

 Project 3
The situation

 Project 4
The situation

Project 3: Get me four!

Company: World Globe
Level: Extremely difficult
Time start: May 1987
Time horizon: ;May 1992
Objective: Improve the capacity of the "Big sur Line" changing the double track layout for a 4 track design

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The situation
Your experience as a manager tells you: The most difficult thing about splitting a double track layout to a 4 track is not how to find the physical space to do it (something that is also a challenge here) but to allocate the traffic between the two tracks in each direction in a balanced way.

Now you have to do it for the "Big Sur Line", which has serious congestion problems. Build the additional tracks and manage the traffic accordingly. To make things worse, you will have to redesign completely the Setown crossing to work with the new 4X layout. Finally, the time factor: stopping the traffic to make your changes will impact your company earnings really badly.

You'd better do it quickly, and you'd better do it well... Good luck! You will need it!

1) Check all the train flows. You have: Trains from 1 to 2/3/4/5/6/7 (points in the screenshot), and also from 4 to 7.
2) Lay additional tracks to get a 4X layout in the Big sur Line - 2 tracks in every direction.
3) Yes, you will have to redesing the Setown crossing completely to achieve your objective
4) Feel free to build or move any routing stations, as Wunfinghill. You can change train routes accordingly
5) To achieve your objective you will need to make changes in other parts of the layout not included in the screenshot
6) You can also change the access to the stations to make easier your redesign

Almost ready... now check downloads below to get everything you need to start playing!

A real hell. When I tried it, it took me almost four years to get the same level of profits I was getting before starting the project. For experts only, I do not have real advice to give as it covers all the skills you need to be TTDX master.

Download the saved game to play: Project 3 saved game
You also need TTDX Patch V2 rev 1 (windows), get it at
Patch cfg file and the configuration for the new graphics in this zip file.

Send me your solutions!
Remember to send me your solutions once you are done! drop me an email from here.

I will post the solutions for this project in September, stay tuned...