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Once upon a time in a land far far away.
There was a wonderful old man who loved
One day while walking through the woods
the nice man found a cocoon.Feeling lonely
he dicided to take the cocoon home to watch
its beauitful transformation from a funny
little cocoon to a beautiful butterfly.
He gently placed the cocoon on his kitchen
table,and watched over it for days.
Suddenly on the seventh day the cocoon
started to move.It moved frantically!
The old man felt sorry for the little
butterfly inside the cocoon.He watched
it struggle and struggle and struggle!

Finally the old man felling so sorry for
the cocooned butterfly rushed to its aide
with a surgical scalpel and gently slit the
cocoon so the butterfly could emerge.
Just one slice was all it took,
and the butterfly broke free from its
cocoon only to wilt over in a completely
motionless state.the old man did not know
what to think.Had he accidentally killed
the little butterfly?No,its still moving
a little bit!Maybe its sick!
Who the heck would know?He was dumbfounded
and quite perplexed!What should I do,He
said.Well he so sorry for the little
creature the he decided the best thing
he could do for the butterfly was to
place it gently back into its cocoon.

He did so,and placed a drop of honey
on it to seal the cocoon,leaving the
butterfly to nestle in its natural stste
Well the next day he noticed that the
cocoon was moving again.Wow,he said!
It moved and moved and struggled and
struggled.Finally the butterfly broke
Free froms its cocoon and stretched
its wings out far and wide. Big time
yawn!Its beautiful wings were filled
with wonderful colors!It looked around
and took off!IT was flying!Its so beautiful
The old man was jumping with joy!Wow!
Go Baby,Go!And that wonderful butterfly
did that just that,it flew and flew
till it was almost out of the old mans
sight.What a joy,he exclaimed!But then
he started to think.What did I do wrong
by trying to help that beautiful little
butterfly out at first?

The old man went into town.Found the
library,and read every book he could on
butterflys and cocoons.Finally the answer
appeared.The butterfly has to struggle and
struggle while inside the cocoon.Thats how
it gets its strength.Thats just what they are
designed to overcome in order to be strong
and beautiful.well needless to say the old
man was shocked,saddened,and somewhat relieved.

Now he knows the reason why they do what they
do.It was only his perception that made it
appear that the butterfly was having a hard
time.well from then on the old man knew that
loving something sometimes means to pray
for it and cheer it on!He realized that God
was wonderful,and that sometimes appearances
aren't what they seem to be.That we all are
beautiful butterflies,even though we have
our apparent struggles in life.....

Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abundantly into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly

Thank You,


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