(or, So THAT"S How You Get There!)


Here is a listing of some of my favorite tortoise, turtle, iguana, snake, frog... heck, jus' plain ol' reptile & amphibian-related links. If you have a favorite that I don't list, and want to share it with other "Herp-Nuts" like myself, just e-mail me(mverduin@prtc.net) and I'll add it to this one...


 Bits From The Bridge - Chelonia-Related Subjects

 Kingsnake Forum Center 

Kingsnake Iguana Forum

Kingsnake Tortoise Forum

Jamaican Iguana Page(for Cyclura fans)

 British Chelonia Group

Melissa Kaplan's Green Iguana Pages

Cuban Rock Iguana Research Project

 California Turtle & Tortoise Club

Sacramento Turtle & Tortoise Club

Slowcoach Turtle/Tortoise Site

Turtle World



If you would like to talk to others and exchange info/experiences about turtles and tortoises via e-mail, subscribe to either the Turtle-l list(e-mail turtle-l @ icomm.ca and in subject line type in "subscribe turtle-l" sans quote marks) or the TORTAID list(go to www.onelist.com and subscribe there)...the turtle-l list is a bit more "strict" that the Tortaid list, in the sense that discussions try to be as "chelonious" as possible, whereas in the Tortaid list things can get more personal and more "chatty".
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