It all started with a Black Lab, our first, named Wendover Loa, Wendy for short. She turned out to be the smartest, most loving, and most giving of her unconditional love. 

As time went by we decided that Wendy needed a soulmate and companion so Duchesne Heather, Shane for short, a gorgeous Yellow Lab, appears on the scene. Wendy and Shane became inseparable!

As the years rolled on and Wendy and Shane began to show their age we decided to get yet another Lab, our first boy, Zion's Zephyr. Zeph was like most boys up to a lot of mischevious no good but his heart was in the right place! After three years or so Shane's health started to fail and we lost our little girl to cancer at the age of 10. Wendy followed a couple of years later and that left us with the BIG boy, Zeph! We moved into our new home on the river here in Jacksonville, Florida and Zephyr had the huge two-story house all to himself. After a year Zeph's heart condition became evident, as he inherited it from his sire, and he slowly went downhill.

We lost our Zeph right after his 10th birthday leaving us with no Labs for the first time since owning Labs. We took a year to mourn Zeph's lost and then Heidi entered the picture!

Heidi comes from a championship background as her sire won Best of Breed at Westminister and her dam won numerous temperment titles. She hails from Remedy Kennels in Stuart, Florida. Heidi is now 5 yrs. old and going strong.

 When she was three we decided she needed a "companion" dog, so enters on the scene a totally new breed to us. Hannah came to live with us at 8 weeks of age and was our first Jack Russell Terrier.

After trials and tribulations Hannah had us trained to be an exceptional master, being at her beckoned call. She has the Jack Russell Terrier instinct to hunt! She goes for any creature great or small with the tenacity of a pit bull but can be a very loving and gentle dog also!

 I had never owned a small dog before and became a fan of the breed and thus had to have another one three years later!

 And along comes R.A.'s Holly, our second female Jack Russell. Holly is only 10 weeks old and she was whelped on December 4, 1998. She is tricolored with a broken coat much like that of Eddie on Frasier, whereas Hannah is also a tricolored with a smooth coat much like Wishbone!

The two are adjusting to each other and Heidi is taking both these two in her stride. She is such a good companion dog for the Jacks and is very protective of each. We are planning on showing and working Holly with the Jack Russell Club of Amercia's regional club, Sunshine State Terrier Club which we are members and also attending some JRTCA trials nationwide, as we are also members of the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America. Holly hails from R.A. Terrier Kennels in Lady Lake, Florida, which is known for many, many ribbons in racing, agility and go to ground!

Holly is now eight months old and she has started her "clicker" obedience training with Lori Lewis, a local trainer. Even though Holly's attention span is very short, we are progressing right along and hopefully by the end of the year when she turns a year old we will have a wonderfully obedient trained little girl on our hands! We will keep you updated on her progress.

Holly is now 10 months old and we will be taking her to the Nationals in Havre de Grace, MD October 15th, 16th and 17th of this year. Wish us luck! More later.

Well we have returned home from the National JRTCA trial held in Harve de Grace, Maryland with no ribbons but with a lot of new friendships. A good time was had by all! Holly has never had such a good time and has been smitten by Milo, a great looking studly male owned by Patti Hayes. She also had her eye on Shilo, owned by Marcy Hayes and Braveheart owned by Jerrilyn Cloud and Max, owned by Sheryl Evans. Oh women they are so fickle!

Holly started her agility classes on November 1st coming off surgery and she did great her first time out! I was so amazed at how smart these little dogs are compared to the larger breeds. This is a 8 week course and I hope by the end of the 8 weeks we will be ready for competition. Will keep you posted!


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