photo by R. Johnston

A Project of Na Bolom, A.C.

For many Lacandones, the sale of artisan products is one of there principle sources of income. For this reason, Na Bolom has begun the Artisan Project. The principle objective is to improve the quality of the products through workshops and the organization of artisan groups. This will permit the artists to sell their work for better prices at the principle tourist centers such as Palenque, Yaxchilán, Bonampak and San Cristóbal de las Casas.

Presently, the project is in the primary stage of gathering information about manufacturing techniques and the materials and resources involved. This is being done through visits to the artisans’ houses to observe and participate in the working process. During these visits we discuss where the materials are obtained, how the products are made, where they are sold, prices, etc. At the same time, we are working on reviving the production of objects of daily use such as hammocks, tunics, fish traps, among others. Although most of the Lacandons no longer practices these crafts, if an increased demand for these objects develops they may show an interest in once again making them.

Workshops in various aspects of production have begun. The use of natural dies is being revived in through workshops in Najá in coordination with Aid to Artists (ATA). This includes collecting and testing various plants and insects in the region from which it may be possible to obtain dies. At the Cultural Centres in Najá, Lacanjá Chansayab and Na Bolom examples of the work from the first workshops are on display.

The Association of Mexican Art and Popular Culture has offered to help with development. They hope to begin forming Artisan groups and basic structures for future organization. Meanwhile ATA is purchasing the work of artisans to test in the U.S. market. They hope to obtain useful information about the viability of Lacandon artisan products there.

An ethnographic collection of Lacandon artisan work is being created along with photos by Gertrude Blom related to the manufacture of objects of both daily and ceremonial use. This collection will travel to various museums in mexico and abroad.

In recent months Na Bolom has reorganized its store for Lacandon artisan products. The store now has much more space to display the artisans work which is sold with documentation about the artisan, where the piece came frome and notes on it´s manufacture. Part of the Artisan Project is to work with the store to collect the artisans´ work from the communities to be sold on consignment. The store organizes the system of payments and functions as the artisans’ outlet where they can see how a retail operation works.

In the spirit of the founders Frans Blom and Gertrude Duby, the Cultural Association Na Bolom promotes the conservancy and develop for the cultural and environmental values in Chiapas. Our programs depend on the generosity of individual donors. Support for Na Bolom is tax deductible both in Mexico, where donations can be sent directly to Na Bolom, and in the United States, where the Hoffman Foundation receives and forwards contributions. Please make it clear for which program(s) you are sending your donation.

Av. Vicente Guerrero No. 33
San Cristóbal de Las Casas
Chiapas, México
(967) 81418, Fax (967) 85586
Na Bolom Fund
The Richards Hoffman Foundation
105 Anderson St. PO Box 490
Mars Hill, NC 28754
(704) 689-4599, Fax (704) 251-2202

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