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Butterflies of Malaysia

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Nymphalidae (Danainae)

The Common Tiger

The Common Tiger (Danaus genutia) looks like the Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus) except that its veins are marked with black. These two milkweed butterflies are related to the Monarch (Danaus plexippus) which is renowned for its annual marathon migratory flight.

The Chocolate Tiger

The Chocolate Tiger (Parantica melaneus) is a forest species which is found in north India and Myanmar to Indochina and Sundaland. Although this butterfly is common, little is known about its early stages.

The Blue Glassy Tiger

The Blue Glassy Tiger (Ideopsis vulgaris) is a common "milkweed butterfly" found throughout Peninsular Malaysia and is believed to be the one of the species mimicked by the Common Mime (Chilasa clytia). It is usually encountered at the edge of forests or plantations and also in the countryside.

Nymphalidae (Morphinae)

Faunis gracilis

Faunis gracilis (common name n.a.) may be seen flying just above the ground in the forest, or sitting on leaf litter and low shrubs. It lives in the same type of habitat ~ well-shaded and somewhat dense undergrowth ~ as the closely related Common Faun (Faunis canens).

Tufted Jungle King

The Tufted Jungle King (Thauria aliris) is a large forest butterfly. When settled on the forest floor, its wing markings enable it to blend in with the leaf litter. On its upperside, prominent white stripes across the front wings "flash" to startle any approaching predator as the butterfly takes flight.

Nymphalidae (Nymphalinae)

The Banded Yeoman

The Banded Yeoman (Cirrochroa orissa) is the commonest species of Cirrochroa, of which there are six, in Peninsular Malaysia. It also occurs in Myanmar, Thailand, Sumatra and Borneo. The life history of this forest butterfly is still unknown.

The Malay Lacewing

The Malay Lacewing (Cethosia hypsea) is one of the several Lacewing butterflies found in Malaysia. The fine, serrated pattern along the edge of their wings together with a combination of red, orange, brown or white colours make them very attractive butterflies.

The Peacock Pansy

The Peacock Pansy (Junonia almana) is a common yet beautiful species which is found in open country and gardens. It is one of the butterfly species that can be found in suburban areas. The eye-spots on the wings remind one of the markings on peacock feathers.

The Wavy Maplet

The Wavy Maplet (Chersonesia rahria) is a small butterfly (compare its size with a blade of grass) which settles with wings outspread. It is a forest butterfly with a feeble flight. But when frightened, it is capable of soaring quite rapidly to take refuge in the safety of tree branches.

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 This page revised on 22 May 2005. Copyright © Chin Fah Shin.
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