Welcome to the Mayan Ruins of Tulum!

You've just spent an hour on a hot, crowded bus, rolling over bumpy, dusty roads, with little to see and even less to do.

"This better be worth it," you mutter to yourself as you catch the tram from the parking lot to the site itself. It's hot, you can't see your tour guide, and you have sunscreen in your eyes. Then you hand in your ticket and walk through the portal in the stone wall, and raise your head to see...

The view from the west entrance

The sight is breathtaking, but the tour guides have this all planned. You will find yourself awed by each new sight, only to be all the more surprised at the next...

I would recommend taking the tour the guides have planned for you, but you're free to wander if you choose.

The Tour

History of the Mayas | History of Tulum | Where They Lived
Ceremonial Burial | Art and Decoration | Places of Worship
The Castle | Mar Caribe | Fellow Natives
Wide Angle Views | Miscellaneous Stuff

Back to Main

Other Sites to Investigate

TULUM, Oceanfront Cabins.
Cancun, Mexico: The Caribbean, The Pyramids
A Mesoamerican Archaeology WWW Page (not pretty but lots of info)
Jaguar Sun (Author Jeeni Criscenzo's very snappy -- although unfinished -- site)
Ancient American Civilizations - Mesoamerica (a course by John W. Hoopes, U of Kansas)
Arte Maya Tz'utuhil Museum and Gallery (Derek Parent's Exhibit)
A Walkabout in the Rio Platano Biosphere (Also by Derek Parent)
Caminos de Yucatan Unique, Small-group Trips
Photo's of Tulum Ruins
Maya/Aztec/Inca Center of the Lords of the Earth
The Good Life - Digging Belize
Your link here? E-mail me!

PowerSearch the Web:
Starting Point(TM)

These sites I picked up from a Web search and have not checked deeply...
Image Archive: Mesoamerica
Tulum...Maya Ruins on the Eastern Carribean
No Title
Cancun Online(tm) - Mayan Ruins
Mayaland Tours - Various Tour Packages
Travel, Archeology, History Photographs: Images of Mexico
Escape Tours: Ruins of Mexico
Playa del Carmen Home Page
Peter Martyr 1
Cancun, Mexico - Archaeology - The Mexico Travel Guide

Please note that a link above is not an endorsement, they just caught my eye or were requested by e-mail. (It does get updated eventually.)

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All photos © 1997 Scott Sakurai

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