Op Cast lead (Dec 2008 - Jan 2009): Quadruple Islamic Crime, Targeting civilians, Using its kids as Human shields, Inflaming its youths, Calling for Genocide
Operation 'Cast Lead' and the four Islamic crimes: 1 - Terror on Israeli civilians, 2 - hijacking its own women and children as human shields to cause them to die, 3 - Inflaming its youths via showing most graphic photos of injured/dead kids on Arab TV, 4 - calls for genocide on Israelis or on all Jews

Operation 'Cast Lead' & the four radical Islamic Crimes

December 27, 2008

Operation 'Cast Lead' - Israel decided it had (1) - enough of: Years of Islamic 'Palestinian' Hamas' barrage of rocket attacks aimed intentionally on Israeli civilians, preferably children (at the times they go to schools and kindergartens) sources, around a Million Israelis are under this threatening range.

(2) - The Islamic terror Hamas fights the Israeli humane
(who risk their own lives in order to minmize Arab civilian casualties) anti-terror defensive forces via most inhumane tactics - using its own civilians, women and children as human shields in order to cause Arab kids' deaths and then parade with them on global TV cameras. sources

(3) - Arab Muslim TV shows graphic images of 'dead Arab kids', to enrage and inflame their "youths".

(4) - An expolsion of Islamofascism's hatred and call for genocide on (all) Jews in wordlwide demonstrations under the flag of "free Palestine". sources

On Dec. 27, Israel began defensive operations to dismantle Iran-backed Hamas’s terrorist infrastructure in Gaza and stop the terrorist group from its 8-years-long campaign of attacking Israeli civilians with 10,000 rockets, missiles and mortars.

Despite Hamas’s unrelenting rocket attacks, Israel continues to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza, warning the civilian population to stay clear of terrorist sites. Said Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, "Israel has made it clear that we are fighting against terrorism, not the Gazan residents, and the extremists are the ones who are taking advantage of the concern of the humanitarian organizations and the international community as a means of pressuring Israel."
http://www.theisraelproject.org/site/apps/nlnet/content2.aspx?c=hsJPK0PIJpH&b=689705&ct=6479 919

The routine of Arab 'Palestinians' targeting kindergartens, schools, children - crimes against hmanity

Welcome to Beyond Images - Perspectives on the Arab-Israeli Conflict... In June 2004, 4 year old Afik Zahavi was killed by a Qassam rocket which exploded outside a kindergarten as he arrived there with his mother ...
Israel Line 2-Nov-2005 Her two sons go to the nursery school and kindergarten in the kibbutz, which has been aimed many times by Qassams fired from Beit Hanun. ...
Kindergarten children targeted by Kassam
...A Kassam rocket fired by Gaza-based 'Palestinian' terrorists landed meters from a kindergarten in Kibbutz Sa'ad Monday afternoon, bringing to an abrupt end a Hannukah party attended by local children and their parents.
Arab rocket and mortar crews operating out of the Palestinian Authority-controlled Gaza Strip regularly target Israeli schools and other public buildings in the adjacent Negev region. Miraculously, few have been killed or wounded.
The seemingly divine shielding of these exposed civilians continued Monday.
'This was a big miracle, because the Kassam rocket landed at a very small distance from the kindergarten during the Hannukah party.'
[December 27, 2005]
Terrorism Targets Sderot Israel Children [Dec. 19, 2007]
Qassam Kindergarten
[Dec 2007]
May 15, 2007 ...Major Injuries In Sderot Rocket Barrage. Children Wounded As Rockets Score Direct Hits On School and Home.
Christians, Jews abroad step in over Qassam protection in Sderot ...151 public kindergartens have been reinforced [May 23, 2007]
The reality of Sderot, the city where I live
By Noam Bedein    January 22, 2008
Barrage of rockets hits Sderot as kids go to school ... ...
Due to massive Qassam rocket fire from Gaza at Sderot and Israeli communities, the IDF Home Front Command began yesterday to reinforce soldiers in Sderot: Approximately 100 officers and soldiers are accompanying children to schools and kindergartens this morning and throughout the afternoon [17 January 2008]
Sderot Qassam Attacks - FACTS... Rockets from Iran-backed terrorists in Gaza are hitting Israeli living rooms, kindergartens and playgrounds. Children in towns near Gaza, many having spent now two years sleeping in bomb shelters, are growing up traumatized. Indeed, 74% of children in Sderot aged 7-12 suffer from post-traumatic anxiety.  [Jan. 24, 2008]
Kassam alert- kindergarten
SderotMedia - 'Kindergarten'
An Israeli man was severely wounded by a Qassam rocket which landed near a school in the city of Sderot. Qassams landed several times near educational centers in the city, including an attack on May21st, when a rocket hit a classroom in the city. Luckily, the class was empty at the time. (2006)
http://www.theisraelproject.org/atf/cf/%7B84DC5887-741E-4056-8D91-A389164BC94E%7D/QASSAM%20STATISTICS%20PACKET.DOC [doc file]
Qassam hits kindergarten; 2 children lightly wounded - [Jul 28, 2006] ... News: Rocket lands next to kindergarten in town south of Ashkelon; 2 children hurt, 8 suffer shock. Earlier a number of rockets hit central ...
American Journalists View Life In Israel's Target Zones
...A major operation, Olmert said, would not entirely end the attacks, and he believes it would come at too great a cost to Israel. He declined to comment on future plans for dealing with Gaza.
In May, this paper reported that most military experts believe that only a major ground operation would eradicate the threat. But they echoed Olmert's sentiment. It would cause, they said, significant "Israeli military casualties, Palestinian humanitarian suffering, [negative] international opinion and economic losses."
"Everything is waiting," IDF Reserve Brig. Gen. Shalom Harari said at Sapir College before a tour of the Gaza border. "Now, you ask me, what will decide about the timing of such an operation? That is what is called the 'strategic Qassam.'"
"The Qassam that will fall on a synagogue in Sderot and kill 10," said Harari, a senior research fellow at the Middle East Media Research Institute. "Or the Qassam that will fall on a kindergarten and kill, I hope not, God hopes not, 10 children. Or the Qassam that will fall here and kill 10 students. That will be the igniting point."
There are countless stories of near-massacres that could have been such a catalyst -- the gasoline tanker that left the station moments before a rocket blew a crater in the driveway, the Qassam that flew through the roof of a synagogue office while congregants were in the sanctuary on Shabbat, the bomb that fell on the playground of Gabi's school the day all the parents kept their kids home in protest.
Qassam lands near Sderot kindergarten
Rocket hits neighborhood in southern town, causes damage to private house located near kindergarten; several people suffer from shock, one woman loses consciousness. Military sources say IDF policy in Gaza may change
[Published:  05.07.07]
12 Sderot Children Hospitalized for Shock After Kassam Attacks ...Sep 3, 2007
Two rockets strike Beersheba
Hamas flexed its muscles Tuesday night and fired two rockets into Beersheba as Defense Minister Ehud Barak asked for government approval to call up an additional 2,500 reservists ahead of a planned ground operation in the Gaza Strip One of the Katyusha rockets struck a kindergarten in Beersheba... [Dec 30, 2008 8:39 | Updated Dec 31, 2008]
Two IDF soldiers, civilian lightly hurt as Gaza mortars hit Negev 
Three rockets struck the Eshkol region, two of them landing in open fields and the third between two kindergartens. [01/02/2009]
Rocket hits Ashdod kindergarten - "Thankfully, no children were in the kindergarten, and no one was badly hurt... [Jan 11, 2009 8:08 | Updated Jan 12, 2009 2:37]
Jan 6, 2009 ... A 3-month-old baby was lightly wounded on Tuesday when a Grad rocket fired by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip struck Gedera, ... [Jan, 2009]
Pat Dollard | Hamas Violates Humanitarian Cease Fire, Shells Kindergarten ... hit a house next to a school in the Israeli southern city of Sderot, ... Children would also drill evacuating their class rooms...
[January 6, 2009] a Hamas leader warned that the Islamists would kill Jewish children anywhere in the world

Cowardice use of its women & children

Harris noted that Israel has always gone to great lengths in an attempt to avoid civilian casualties, but that, tragically, Hamas uses civilians "as human shields," making Israel's efforts still more challenging. (Dec 27, 2008)
http://news.prnewswire.com/DisplayReleaseContent.aspx?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/12-27-2008/00049 47081&EDATE=

Hamas Prepares 15,000 Soldiers, Civilian Human Shields For Full Confrontation With Israel (Dec 27, 2008)

Hamas took no heed of the plight of their own brethren, "and just as they have used human shields in their terror operations, they are now taking the whole ...

Israel's Challenge Family Security Matters - Dec 26, 2008 Why is criticism never leveled at Hamas or Hezbollah who regularly use children as human shields to protect their leaders and their weapons? ...

Israel retaliation in Gaza, Hamas hit hard Canada Free Press, Canada Any suspected hideouts of Hamas leadership must be taken out. Israel had opportunities in earlier decades to do this and refused because of the human shield

Hamas Explains Use of Civilians as Human Shields

By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

"We desire death as you desire life."

The UN announcement that 51 civilians have died in the conflict in Gaza must be understood in the context of Hamas's declared ideology to use civilians as human shields for Hamas fighters. Indeed, Hamas continues to emphasize and promote the religious ideology that death for Allah is an ideal to be actively pursued.

The goal is to convince Palestinians, including women and children, not to fear death but even to face it at the front to protect Hamas fighters. Hamas's placement of its military installations and fighters among civilians reflects this ideology, and has led to these 51 deaths.

A Hamas representative in the PA legislative council this year expressed pride in the fact that women and children are used as human shields in fighting Israel. He described it as part of a "death industry" at which Palestinians excel, and explained that the Palestinians "desire death" with the same intensity that Israelis "desire life."

The following is the full text of the comments by Hamas representative Fathi Hamad: "For the Palestinian people death became an industry, at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel, the Jihad fighters excel, and the children excel. Accordingly [Palestinians] created a human shield of women, children, the elderly and the Jihad fighters against the Zionist bombing machine, as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: We desire death as you desire life."


Injured Palestinian girl: Hamas is the cause of all wars
A haunting clip from an outfit that specializes in them: Portrait of a human shield, her four-year-old sister one of 60 civilians killed...

The suffering that Hamas causes (Dec 2008) ...
But it isn't only Israelis whose fundamental human rights Hamas is violating. It is those of the Palestinian population about whose welfare Hamas professes to care.
In direct contravention of international law, Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, utilizing homes, schools and community centers as launching pads, content in the knowledge that if innocent Palestinian civilians are caught in the cross-fire, it will be Israel that is criticized. This amounts to a sort of Daily Double of human rights violations: the use of innocent Palestinians as human shields for the infliction of violence upon innocent Israelis.
http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2008/12/30/the_suffering_that_hama s_causes/

The Father of the Human Shield Dead
DigitalJournal.com - 2 Jan 2009
Nizar al-Rayyan invented the Human Shields method. IsraelPolitik reports that Hamas has released an official statement “declaring that Dr. Nizar al-Rayyan, ...

Ground push / Mission: Break Hamas Ha'aretz - Jan 3, 2009
Hamas may also use children as "human shields" for weapons caches inside mosques.

IDF launches Gaza ground operation
Ha'aretz - Jan 3, 2009
Those who use civilians, the elderly, women and children as "human shields" are responsible for any and all injuries to the civilian population.

They Asked For It! Hamas goads Israeli military to invade Gaza Strip
Gather.com - Jan 3, 2009
They're showing no regard for the high, civilian casualties due to the upcoming, street fighting. They're using their countrymen as human shields.

NETANYAHU: This humanitarian crisis is the direct result of the Hamas tactic of firing at our civilians and hiding behind their civilians, and it’s something that we cannot tolerate. No nation would tolerate 6,000 rockets fired on its cities, and Israel finally decided to take action.We have to make sure that we don’t just have a cease-fire, but that this criminal rocketing of our cities is not resumed a few months from now. Because that’s exactly what happened a few months ago. They were firing rockets at us, the Hamas. We had a cease-fire. They used the cease-fire to get further range — longer-range rockets, which they have now fired at Beersheba and Ashdod and into the southern suburbs of Tel Aviv. So obviously, we have to remove the threat, not just stop the firing. And that’s what Israel is engaged in right now.

Crush Hamas and brave the backlash The Australian - But as was pointed out - Israel attempts to target military and political sites. hamas attacks civilians. there is no such thing as disproportionate attacks …

Rocket alert sends New York’s Bloomberg running for cover in Sderot…
the onus of the civilian deaths was on Hamas for using them as human shields.
“They have been the main victimizers of the innocent Palestinian people by inviting these kinds of attacks,” he said.

IDF coordination chief: There is no humanitarian crisisHamas terrorists are using civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip - including hospitals, mosques and areas next to offices of international aid groups - to conduct terrorist activity and fire rockets at Israel, Col. Moshe Levi, commander of the IDF’s Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA), said Thursday.

Hamas Exploitation of Civilians as Human Shields
Right Side News
This study examines how Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip make extensive use of Palestinian civilians as human shields. ...
http://rightsidenews.com/200901063218/global-terrorism/hamas-exploitation-of-civilians-as-human-shie lds.html

'Hamas is guilty of war crime'
BBC News
... artillery attack near a UN school in the Gaza Strip. On Radio 4's The World Tonight he claimed that Hamas were guilty of using civilians as "human shields".

Yes, free Gaza — from terrorist tyranny
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Some of the Arab and Muslim demonstrators who recently came to our offices were holding signs that said “Free Gaza.” Many Israelis would raise that same sign, me included, but for different reasons. People tend to forget that as of August 2005, Israel has not been in Gaza, and that the Gazans have been under Hamas control since June 2007. Indeed, Gaza needs to be freed from many different extremist forces.
Gaza should be freed from Hamas, a terrorist organization that seized the strip by force. Since the takeover, Hamas has run Gaza’s economy into the ground and now nearly half of the work force is unemployed. Hamas has built a Taliban-style state in Gaza and introduced many of the Islamic Shari’a laws, institutionalizing the persecution of women and minorities.
Hamas has transformed Gaza from a free territory to a large bunker, a place where rockets are stored under families, schools and places of prayer. Unfortunately, Gazans not only live among this militarization, but are now a tool in Hamas’ aggression. The terrorist organization has developed a strategy of using innocent civilians as human shields. When Israel warns that the houses of Hamas operatives and commanders will be targeted, the terrorists bring in innocent citizens, often by force, in an effort to increase the likelihood of civilian casualties. Hamas’ leaders rely on the strict Israeli moral code, hoping to avoid being attacked or that a strike will allow them to score points in the media by sacrificing their own people, creating what looks like acts of Israeli military aggression.
Gaza should be freed from the intervention of Iran, a state that openly admits to financing Hamas. Iran is also helping Palestinian terror organizations with training, intelligence and equipment. Some of this “aid” is channeled through Hezbollah in Lebanon — yet another Iranian proxy organization. Hezbollah and Iran use the Gazans to maintain regional political relevance in their empty agenda against Israel.
Gaza should be freed from some of the Arab satellite channels like Al-Jazeera. These television stations engage in the direct incitement of the Arab and Muslim world. Everything is acceptable in their eyes to raise their ratings: including long shots of bodies and injuries. Some of these channels do not dismiss any editing trick and consider propaganda as a normal part of their news reporting.
As far as Israel is concerned, Gaza is free and it is the decision of its inhabitants what the area’s destiny will be. They can continue to buy into the self-defeating promises of terrorist organizations and extremist ideologies. Even worse, they can continue to let these organizations use them as human shields and demolish their hopes and futures.
Gazans can only truly be free by declaring Gaza a terror-free zone. The people of Gaza have many resources in their hands to achieve success. Gaza could use its beautiful Mediterranean coast to attract Israeli and Egyptian tourists. It can renew the flower and fruit exports to Europe that Israel left behind. The airport that was built there can be reopened. The seaport that is planned and even the natural gas fields in its waters could be built.
The people of this region need to make the decision that Gaza will become a model of peace and stability and hopefully, the beginning of the two-state solution: Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace.

Hamas uses people as shields
Updated: 01/06/2009 06:53:52 AM EST
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has heated up again. A cease-fire agreement has collapsed and Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist organization, immediately renewed its rocket attacks from Gaza into Israeli civilian areas.
Hamas does not attack military targets. They openly declare their intent to kill civilians, including women and children.
These rocket attacks have gone on for years and have steadily increased in intensity. The range of these weapons has increased as well, bringing more civilian areas in Israel under attack, with an increase in danger to civilians.
There is no warning for these attacks, no air-raid sirens, just the sudden explosion of a rocket missile in your neighborhood with the possibility of death and destruction.
During the several years that these rocket attacks have continued, never has anyone raised a voice condemning these attacks, which are knowingly directed against civilians.
Hamas deliberately sets its rocket launchers and mortars in densely populated areas using their own people as human shields against retaliation.
Now that Israel is striking back, the Israelis are being condemned for causing civilian casualties. Where were these voices during the years that Hamas was deliberately and admittedly killing Israeli civilians? Where were these voices when Hamas implemented its policy of using its own people as human shields against retaliation?
Two facts become obvious:
Israel values the lives of its citizens and is now doing and will continue doing what is necessary to protect its citizens.
Hamas views its own people as expendable pawns and willingly and knowingly places them in danger in order to gain a propaganda victory against Israel.

Hamas at fault, not Israelis
Sir:It amazes me that every time Israel makes a move to protect its citizens and sovereignty, bleeding hearts at the CBC continue to pester Israel over its alleged unbalanced response.
Even when the ceasefire was signed, Hamas militants fire rockets haphazardly into Israel.
Hit a military compound, that's nice. Hit a school or hospital, equally nice.
This is terrorism on a daily basis.
To feel sorry for the Palestinian people is a stretch considering they voted for Hamas, knowing the blow-back they would receive not only from their immediate neighbours but from most western powers as well.
As a matter of fact, Palestinians should be thankful that Israel still considers its targets as carefully as it does and not use the laissez faire targeting of Hamas.
The reason why there are civilian casualties at all is again due to the cowardice of the militants using civilians as human shields.
I would certainly hope that those at the liberal CBC that think Israel should open its borders to incoming Palestinian workers when such a threat exists for suicide bombers never end up with the job of minister for public safety in this country.
Hard hats and bomb shelters for all!

The Volokh Conspiracy - Human Shields in Gaza:
But it takes a special kind of depravity to use your own civilians as human ... If the Hamas civilians *know* they are acting as human shields for the ...

Children of Hamas
Hamas has been firing these rockets from within densely populated areas using the Palestinian people as human shields. Mosques, hospitals, kindergartens

Peres: Europe must 'open eyes' on Gaza
United Press International
Peres blamed Hamas for the deaths of innocent civilians in the siege, saying the militants use them as human shields...

Hamas exploits public opinion
Newstimes Updated: 01/06/2009 07:23:35 PM EST
It is time to support Israel in her time of need. After living in a war zone with relentless rockets firing on innocent citizens even in a "cease-fire" agreement with Hamas, Israel has no choice but to destroy the terrorists who have one goal and that is to destroy Israel.
If the press would comment on Hamas' tactics of using women and children as human shields, of firing rockets from residential neighborhoods, of dressing Hamas officials in medical uniforms in hospitals, the tragic deaths of innocent Palestinians may be understood.
Israel has no choice but to destroy the point of rocket fire. If it comes from a mosque, a hospital, a home, a school, it is designed that way by the terrorists to hurt Israel.
They have no regard for their citizens and use them as propaganda tools to affect world opinion.
It would be helpful if the press would mention the tactics at the same time as they mention the tragic deaths of innocent bystanders. It is all calculated by Hamas and unfortunately not everyone is aware of their depth of cruelty.
Our tradition teaches us, "He who saves a single life, it is as if he saved an entire world." Israel reveres life and the terrorists revere death. It is unfortunate and tragic.
When the terrorists will show the same passion for peace as they do for death and hatred, there will be peace.

We have counseled our ally Israel to be very cautious about protecting innocents, and I do think that the Israelis take great care to do so. I saw the reports about the school. I don't have any information about that. I think that we should not jump to conclusions, and we should wait to find out what the evidence says. What we do know is that Hamas often hides amongst innocents, and uses innocent people, including children, as human shields.
http://www.enewspf.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5435:press-briefing-by-p ress-secretary-dana-perino-&catid=88888933&Itemid=88889535

Mere Rhetoric: Breaking: Israel Drops Leaflets Over Gaza Telling ... 3 Jan 2009 ... Breaking: Israel Drops Leaflets Over Gaza Telling Residents To Evacuate (UPDATE: Text Of Leaflets Added) (UPDATE 2: IDF Artillery Begins ...

CQ Transcript...
CQPolitics.com - 4 Jan 2009
They ferret out the terrorists that are embedded in the civilian population. They seek to minimize civilian casualties, sometimes at the expense of our own ...

IDF: Hamas built underground city - Israel News, Ynetnews -  7 Jan 2009 ... and booby-trapped buildings in civilian centers ... incident with a large number of casualties according to the threats in the Strip," ...

29 Dec 2008 ... The Israel Defense Forces has been careful to minimize civilian casualties. It has carried out precision strikes during specific times it ...


...Of course nobody in their right mind enjoys the idea of civilians being collateral damage, but these same people screaming about Israel's attacks are the very same ones who use their  own populace as human shields and hide their munitions in mosques and private homes and the same people who strap bombs onto their boys, their women and their young men, having no qualms about doing that.

I'm sorry, but I'm more willing to look the other way at this Israeli campaign until Palestinians  start valuing the lives of other peoples as much as they scream for other people. When you have large numbers of Hamas operatives hiding in hospitals and some posing as medical staff, when you have some Hamas members also hiding in mosques and some of those mosques have been turned into operational headquarters, then the Palestinian people, supporting Hamas as they do, are hardly victims.

In numerous cases prior to an Israeli airstrike, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) notified civilians in the area of the impending attack, despite this hampering military operations. How does Hamas respond? Hamas takes advantage of the IAF's warnings and places civilians on the roofs of the targeted buildings in order to use human shields to either prevent the air strikes or cause civilian deaths which they can use as a propaganda tool.

Iraeli air and naval forces have had to attack some 20 Hamas targets throughout the Gaza Strip on New Years Eve, including five smuggling tunnels along the 'Philadelphi Route' used by Hamas to smuggle arms and terrorists in and out of Gaza, a weapons manufacturing and storage facility in central Gaza, a command center of Hamas' police force in Rafah, and a Hamas coastal base on the shore adjacent to Gaza City.


Evidence of Hamas Use of Human Shields


Gaza Needs A Regime Change by Gary Bauer
The Islamists, who have stated clearly and repeatedly that they value death as much as the West values life, have no qualms about killing their own people for the sake of propaganda. That is why they send women, children and even persons with disabilities out to do their bidding as homicide bombers.
It is fair to say that the Israeli military values the lives of Palestinians more than Hamas does, a fact that is evident by Israel’s routinely warning Palestinians before striking civilian areas where terrorists are hiding or stashing weapons.
Regime change is a prerequisite to peace in Gaza. While the Hamas leadership was democratically elected, not all democratically-elected leaders (see: Hitler, Adolf) are legitimate. Hamas’s mission is to wipe Israel off the map, and it has done nothing to show it is willing to deviate from that goal.

'Maximum 600 Palestinians died in Gaza' Jerusalem Post, (Jan 22, 2009) Israel Cremonesi interviewed Gazans who echoed Israel's insistence of how Hamas gunmen used civilians as human shields. One Gazan recalled civilians in Gaza ...
'Video: Palestinians in Gaza Reopen Smuggling Tunnels' - http://www.youtube.com/v/w1_CJXAzows


Hamas’ Lies about Gaza Fatalities Unmasked [ February 18, 2009]
Hamas’ Lies about Gaza Fatalities Unmasked It’s now official: the casualty counts you heard for the Palestinians during the recent war in Gaza were wild fabrications put out by the Hamas terrorist organization and its allies, and eagerly accepted and circulated by Western media.

UN retracts claim strike hit Gaza school - Yahoo! The UN has retracted a claim that an Israeli strike which killed more than 40 people in northern Gaza last month hit a school run by a UN agency.

UN: IDF did not shell UNRWA school | A clerical error led the UN to falsely accuse Israel of shelling one of its Gaza schools in the Jabalya refugee camp during Operation Cast Lead, ...

Global Islamo fascism's Genocidal Anti - Jewish demonstrations using the Gaza anti terror operation ' cast lead' as a cover (Dec 2008 - Jan 2009)

(Jan 2009) Jihad Watch reports that in the Netherlands, anti-Israel demonstrators have once again been chanting
Hamas Hamas, Jews to the gas

Atlas has pictures of the Muslims that have taken over Europe chanting “Jews to the gas.”

Demonstrators cry 'nuke Israel,' carry Hezbollah flags at U.S. ... 6 Jan 2009 ... Florida last week featured demonstrators carrying signs reading ...

Florida demonstrator: Jews - you need a big oven' - 6 Jan 2009 ... Florida demonstrator: Jews - you need a big oven' ... Nuke, nuke Israel," followed by "Go to hell; go to hell; go to hell!" ...Another woman, wearing a (Muslim) headscarf, shouted: "Go steal other lands. Go! Murderers! Go back to the oven! You need a big oven."
Other signs accused Israel of "ethnic cleansing." "Israel is the terrorist," read a second, while a third wondered whether Israel had taken "notes during the Holocaust?"
An imam led the crowd in prayer. "Allahu Akhbar," they chanted before prostrating themselves on their prayer mats.
"We want to educate the people about what Islam really is so that they can appreciate the beauty of it," the imam told a reporter. "Once people understand the real beauty of Islam they will have no choice but to accept it because they will realize that it's part of their nature."
Following their (Islamic) prayers, the crowd crossed the road and confronted the pro-Israel group

"Back to the Ovens," Ft. Lauderdale Hamas Protestors Shout at Jews The Cutting Edge - 5 Jan 2009
Many long-time residents were astonished to see the loud, raucous demonstration inn their midst complete with anti-Jewish epithets. ... "Jews, go back to the oven!"

The Fourth (Islamist) Reich in America: “Attack” Protesters On the ... Pajamas Media - 2 Jan 2009 “Nuke Israel” screamed one young woman in hijab, over and over again in Ft. Lauderdale. “F–k you Jew” was also a favorite chant. I guess that wearing hijab...

Muslims Protest in Los Angeles: "Love Long Hitler! Put Jews in Ovens!" (video)

Hate on the home front


European Jews Attacked in Response to Gaza Conflict Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Jan. 3: Demonstrators shout anti-Israeli slogans near an overturned car during a protest against Israeli military action in the Gaza Strip, in Paris. PARIS — Signs are mounting that the conflict in Gaza is starting to spill over into violence in Europe's towns and cities, with assaults against Jews and arson attacks on
Jewish congregations in France, Sweden and Britain.
In Denmark, a 27-year-old Dane born in Lebanon of Palestinian parents is alleged to have injured two young Israelis last week, opening fire with a handgun in a shooting that police suspect could be linked to the Gaza crisis. ...In Britain, the Community Security Trust, a Jewish defense group, said it had seen a rise in anti-Semitic incidents since the start of Israel's offensive against Gaza. The group said it had recorded 20-25 incidents across the country in the past week that it believed were connected with Gaza, including an arson attempt on a synagogue in north London on Sunday.
London police are investigating the attack, in which suspects splashed flammable liquid on the door and set it on fire.
Community Security Trust spokesman Mark Gardner said that in another incident last week a gang of 15-20 youths walked along the main street in Golders Green, a largely Jewish neighborhood in north London, shouting "Jew" and "Free Palestine" at passers-by...
In the Danish shooting, one Israeli man was shot in the arm and another in the leg as they were selling hair care products in a shopping mall. Eli Ruvio, who owns the company that operated the stands, said his employees have been harassed by Muslim youths
...Ruvio recalled an episode Dec. 27 when some of the youths shouted "slaughter all the Jews."

Genocidal hatred from pro-Hamas demonstrators -- "Nuke, nuke Israel." Chilling video from Tom Trento of WatchObsession.org. .... Florida A Tampa highway was lined with anti-Gaza War demonstrators on ...The stone, which is thrown at the Jews, hates these Jews, these Zionists, because Allah .... Muslims in American mosques praying for destruction of Israel ...

Protesting Against Israel or Hating Jews? - 6 Jan 2009 ... 'Muslim American Society'... The anti-Israel demonstration of some 200 to 300 people outside the ... for instance, carried signs saying "Nuke Israel,"...Now the notion of using of a nuclear device to eliminate Israel and thereby attempting to kill its roughly 5 million Jews is not a unique one, since words to that effect are regularly uttered, among others, by Iran's raving president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who dreams of such apocalyptic final solutions. What is unique is the morally-defective logic that would enable someone to justify a second Holocaust, the mass murder of Jews, on the basis of Israel having defended itself from years of rocket attacks and having killed several hundred murderous terrorists in the process. Making the Middle East free of Jews, Judenfrein, is exactly what Hamas, the group of murderous thugs being cheered on by the demonstrators here, ardently longs for; Hamas' charter, in fact, expresses as one of its core tenets that Israel should be eliminated, that "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."

December 31, 2008
"Death to all juice": Calling for genocide with plausible deniability?

January 4, 2009 chill and evil wind is blowing over the world. Genocidal Eurabia Alert

Denmark (Islamic banner reads): "Kill Jewish people evry where in ther world"

The banner reads, "Jews go to hell." Attached Images ...

Islamists Chant "We Want to Kill All the Jews" At Copenhagen Rally (Video)

Indonesian Muslim protesters hold a banner during a rally against . ... The banner reads, 'Jews go to hell.' REUTERS/Beawiharta. (INDONESIA) ...
http://ca.news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Israel--Indonesian-Muslim-protesters-hold-banner-during-rally-again st-Israeli-attacks-Gaza-Strip-Jakarta-January-2-2009-banner-reads-Jews-go/ss/events/wl/20070128_isra el/im:/02012009/6/photo/photos-n-news-indonesian-muslim-protesters-hold-banner-during-rally-against- israeli.html/

That Old Lovable “Jews Are Apes And Pigs” Canard

The Hamas Death Factory
January 17, 2009 By Ari Bussel
The Hamas Death Factory
The focus of this article is on Hamas. Operation Cast Lead would not have been needed, and indeed can be stopped immediately, if Hamas, a terror organization that calls in its Charter to the destruction of the Jewish State, were to stop its efforts to attain this goal.
Hamas has turned Gaza into a Factory of Death. I highlight below some of the Factory’s main characteristics.
The war that rages on has its front lines in Argentina and UK,India and USA, China and Venezuela, Russia and Egypt. It is a war in the area of public opinion, and we are all soldiers in the Public Diplomacy Front.
We are all part – and are likely victims – in a greater struggle between Sunni and Shiite Islam to achieve world domination. Therefore, we need to understand the threat. Only then will we be able to search and find the wisdom and courage with which to fight, with which to prevail as a victor.
The 20th Day, a Recap and an Update
January 15th,2009. Day 20 of Operation “Cast Lead,” Israel’s attempt at stopping the firing of rockets from Gaza to Israeli cities and preventing further armament of Hamas in Gaza.
To achieve these goals, the manufacturing infrastructure in Gaza had to be destroyed and the very intensive smuggling operation from Egypt into Gaza had to be stopped. The enormous caches of advanced rockets (improved Grad2 and others) must also be destroyed. They have a very long shelf life and will eventually be used against Israel.
There is yet another unstated goal: A 22 year old soldier has been held by Hamas in Gaza after being kidnapped from Israel on6/25/2006. Gilad Shalit is in enemy’s hands for 930 days. He is afforded no visitation rights. The International Red Cross has not been allowed to see him. Gilad is the human face of Israel’s promise to its mothers and fathers that their sons and daughters will always come back home –that Israel will do everything possible to uphold this promise.
Operation Cast Lead rages on in Gaza. 9AM in Israel and already more than ten rockets and mortars were fired from Gaza toward Israeli cities. 11 soldiers were wounded during the night’s operations during which 35 armed gunmen were hit, mostly in aerial attacks directed by ground forces.Israel’s Air Force (IAF) attacked approximately 70 terrorist sites, including a mosque in Rafah used to stockpile rockets and served as an assembly area for senior operatives involved in launching rockets; 14 cells of armed gunmen; 14 sites used to launch rockets and mortars at Israeli communities and cities; five weapon storage facilities located in, and one tunnel located under, houses of Hamas operatives.
A Real War
This is war, although not by name (since Gaza is not a country andHamas is a terrorist operation). People die, needlessly. “Needlessly” since the war can be stopped as soon as Hamas stops firing and ends its race for rearmament. There is a third unstated pre-condition: Hamas needs to change it Charter that calls for the destruction of the Jewish State. But Hamas does not want to stop.
Hamas also could have released Gilad Shalit any any point during the last 930 days or during the period of regrouping (Tahadia) that preceded Operation Cast Lead, but it chose not to do so.
Instead, Hamas uses the 22 year old Israeli soldier in the most cynical way, teasing Israel constantly. Now he is alive, now he is no longer safe. Now we do not hear or see him, next who knows what may be. Hamas’s fellow Iranian crony in the region, Hizbollah, used Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, may they rest in peace, in a similar manner, finally trading in their body parts to force Israel to do the unthinkable – releasing hundreds of terrorists, including one who for the pure barbaric joy of the act, smashed the skull of a four year old girl – just because she was Jewish, just because she was Israeli, JUST BECAUSE THERE IS ISRAEL.
The Hamas Death Factory
Hamas does not only trade in the hope of parents to see their 22 year old son back safely, it also exhumes bodies from recently dug graves to parade them for hours at a time on Al Jazeera “news” network and on the internet as “fresh casualties.” Hamas also constantly manufactures fresh dead bodies. This it does on both sides of the border – firing rockets and mortar shells toward Israel to kill and maim as many people as possible,and firing from within high rise buildings, schools, hospitals and mosques,making sure to surround itself with civilians, so even with the utmost effort and consideration by Israel, they become casualties of war.
Hamas turned Gaza into a very sophisticated manufacturing facility of death. Every step is booby trapped, from buildings to chicken feed buckets. Tunnels are dug underneath to trap and kidnap soldiers as wellas to provide hiding and storage spaces. Sniper posts were erected near mosques. Ammunition and weaponry caches are stored in multi-story residential buildings. More than a million people act as a cover, an invisible protection for this Death Factory.
Hamas has taken the freedom away from the Gazans. It uses the Gazans who elected it into power as human shields whose life is to serve two purposes – to add to the fight against Israel in the front of public opinion and to ensure that their death is highlighted, paraded and used to brainwash tens of millions of new fighters and haters of Jews, Israel and the West. Hamas thus plays a major role in the advance of radical Islam toward global domination.
Guilty by Association
A Manufacturing Facility of Death, a trap both as a physic allocation (step through a door, the house will explode; come close to a fuel depot, the whole village will be incinerated; fire at a building from which rockets were launched and secondary explosions of ammunition stored will cause phosphorus burns or inflict even more pain and death) and as a PR stunt (shoot from the UN building or from the building where the Foreign Press is reporting,and the whole world will be angry at Israel).
This is not a video game. It is a real life (and death) situation in which the points add in the speed of light in favor of the main player: HAMAS.
Hamas’s task is very easy: launch at Israel – you win. Sacrifice your people – you win. Improve the lives of your people? Hamas came into power since it-much like Hizbollah in the north-provided much needed social services, a support network to the local population. Yet,its schools and mosques served as indoctrination points, and the true purpose surfaced.
In the Manufacturing Facility of Death, there is no real interest to improve the lives of the Gazans. With the billions already spent and the billions now committed to the Gazans, one should ask oneself – why is Gaza not the next Cannes-along-the-Mediterranean? Why is there no manufacturing (not of explosives and booby-traps and other death-related instruments),agriculture and science and technology?
Why are there still refugee camps with little if any infrastructure? What has the UN done over the past many decades when the palestinian refugees are its sole focus and reason for existence? Why has the Arab world not insisted on improving the lives of their fellow brethren theGazans and allowed instead the continued smuggling operation – stockpiles of advanced weaponry, trained terrorists, Iranian experts in warfare – into Gaza?
The answer must be that the Arab world, like Europe, is guilty-by-association.

Medicine bottles transferred to the Gaza Strip as humanitarian aid by Israel, were used by Hamas as grenades against IDF troops during Operation Cast Lead

Arab Liberals: The Arab and Muslim World Condemns Human Rights Violations Only When Perpetrated by Non-Muslims

Hamas murder campaign in Gaza exposed

Palestinian Women Asked to Sacrifice Their Children

IDF: Only 250 of Gaza fatalities were civilians
A continuing IDF investigation into the number of civilian Palestinian casualties during the Israeli offensive in Gaza indicated that only 250 of the fatalities were civilians.
The military estimates that between 1,100 and 1,200 people were killed during the offensive. Some 700 of are believed to be militants and most are believed to be Hamas operatives.
The IDF is still trying to ascertain the identity of the remaining fatalities, but security sources said many would probably turn out to be militants as well. "Hamas is familiar with the numbers and is doing everything it can to conceal them," said an IDF source.

IDF: Hamas forced us to act in civilian areas
Army estimates 500 gunmen killed in Gaza fighting, says Hamas used ambulances to transport its gunmen; Iran looking to replenish Hamas' depleted arsenal
Hanan Greenberg Published:  01.19.09, 20:48 / Israel News 
Addressing the severe damage caused to civilian infrastructure in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, army officials said Monday forces had no other choice but to act in population hubs as Hamas gunmen were operating out of neighborhoods and private homes.
The IDF said thousands of phone calls were placed and an even greater number of pamphlets were distributed in Gaza to warn its civilians of planned attacks. TV broadcasts were also interrupted during the campaign toward this end, they added.
The army said that in addition to operating out of civilian structures and using civilians as human shields, Hamas also used ambulances that were dispatched to areas that had been bombarded to transport its gunmen. 
Israel estimates that 500 Hamas gunmen were killed in the fighting, but is also taking into account that in some cases it was difficult to differentiate between gunmen and civilians, as some terrorists wore plain clothes when they were unarmed. According to the army, the gunmen were able to travel unarmed as numerous structures throughout the Strip served as weapons caches. Therefore, the IDF said, some of those were counted as civilian casualties were actually gunmen.
As for Egypt's involvement in the efforts to maintain the ceasefire, Israeli officials said they have identified greater willingness among authorities in Cairo to work toward preventing the smuggling of arms into Gaza along the Philadelphi Route.
Meanwhile, Iran, Hamas' main sponsor, is also drawing its lessons from the war in Gaza. Despite congratulating the Islamist group on its "victory", during the fighting Tehran feared that Israel would topple Hamas' regime in the coastal enclave. The Islamist Republic will now look to embolden Hamas, especially with regards to its defensive capabilities, this after Palestinian forces that were supposed to block Israel's ground incursion failed miserably.
Iran and Hamas are also considering ways to replenish the Islamist group's depleted arsenal in Gaza, particularly in light of the destruction of an estimated 80%the smuggling tunnels situated along the Egypt-Gaza border by the Israeli Air Force. Terror leaders in Gaza believe they will be able to dig up new tunnels and resume the smuggling...

Did Israel Target Gaza's Civilian Population?
Rachel Neuwirth February 13, 2009... accused Israel of having committed "war crimes" in its recent "assault" on Gaza, and of waging war indiscriminately on its civilian population. Israel is said to have damaged schools, hospitals, ambulances and mosques and to have inflicted an immense number of deaths and injuries on innocent civilians. The same accusations have been hurled at Israel by the United Nations, by many of the world´s governments, and by numerous pseudo-do-gooder "Non-governmental organizations" (or "NGOs"), such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. The International Criminal Court in the Hague is considering whether to file war crimes charges against Israeli military and political leaders, and the nations of the European Community are debating amongst themselves whether to support such a move.[1]
But when we probe into the matter a little deeper by looking at the reports of journalists who did some independent investigating, and who interviewed Gaza civilians who agreed to talk with them (anonymously or using nicknames, for fear of Hamas reprisals), we get a completely different picture: Israel took great care to avoid hurting innocent people, while Hamas deliberately tried to cause as many casualties among the Gazan people as possible.
Let´s go through some of the biggest media lies one by one, and then expose the truth.
The Lie: Israel waged war on Gaza´s civilian population; it deliberately killed innocent civilians.
The truth: Israel exerted more care than any other country in history to avoid inflicting casualties on civilians, even at considerable cost to the effectiveness of its military operations.
Israel´s Minister of Welfare and Social Services Isaac Herzog, who is coordinating Israel´s humanitarian relief efforts in Gaza, has pointed out that "[The IDF] made 250,000 phone calls], it has sent text messages and delivered leaflets by air. It has [made] broadcasts on television and on radio and asked people to move away. It did whatever it could to prevent human suffering[2]."
250,000 phone calls? That is virtually every single individual household in Gaza! (total population 1.4 million, with many large families). There is no precedent in history for an army calling up each individual household in enemy territory to warn them in advance to take shelter from bombing or shelling by the army. The Israelis even went so far as to call up leading terrorists 45 minutes in advance of bombing their houses, which were used for storing weapons and ammunition and for concealing terrorist tunnels and bunkers in their basements, in order to give the terrorists and their innocent families time to escape unharmed.
When Israeli planes tracked trucks carrying weapons and ammunition to Hamas, they sometimes deflected the missiles in mid-flight, causing them to fall harmlessly in open spaces, if the trucks happened to pass by civilians on a crowded street. In deflecting their own missiles by remote control, the Israeli pilots and ground controllers passed up the opportunity to destroy enemy weapons and ammunition, solely in order to protect Arab civilians. These humanitarian measures by the Israeli forces have been abundantly documented by "live" video cameras, and the resulting video records have been broadcast by the IDF on YouTube.[3]
These unprecedented humanitarian precautions in time of full-scale war must have enabled thousands of terrorists to escape from Israeli bombing and shelling attacks by forewarning them. Israel was willing to undermine the effectiveness of its anti-terrorist operation solely in order to save the lives of "innocent" (and in some cases not-so-innocent) civilians. No other army -- not the Americans, nor the British, nor French or much the less the Russian ,Chinese, Japanese or German armies -- has ever exercised even comparable restraint and care to protect noncombatants on the "enemy" side of a war zone as the Israel Defense Forces routinely does.[4]
The Lie: Israel killed six hundred or more civilians in Gaza. More than half of those killed by Israel were innocent civilians.
If Israel took such extraordinary measures to protect noncombatants, why then, you will surely ask, were so many civilians killed or injured during Israel´s "Operation Cast Lead" counter-terrorism operation? One part of the answer is that relatively few civilians actually were killed or injured. Lorenzo Cremonesi, a correspondent reporting from Gaza for the Italian "newspaper of record" Corriere della Serra, writes:
there is [a] fact coming to light ever more obviously, visiting the hospitals, clinics and families of the victims of Israeli fire: In reality their numbers appear much lower than 1300 dead and another 5000 injured, as reported by the men of Hamas and repeated by the UN officials and the local Red Cross. "The dead can´t be more than 500 or 600. There are many youths between 17 and 23, recruited by Hamas, who sent them quite literally to the slaughter." Said the doctor from the Shifah hospital who under no circumstances wanted to be quoted for he risked his life.
This data has been confirmed by [a] local journalist. "We already pointed this out to the heads of Hamas. Why do they insist on inflating the number of victims? It´s strange on the other hand that the NGOs, also the western ones, report them without any verification. In the end the truth may come to light. It could be like Jenin in 2002. Initially we spoke about 1500 dead. Then it came out that there were only 54, of whom at least 45 were militants who died in battle. "
It´s sufficient to visit a few hospitals to understand that the numbers don´t add up. There are many empty beds in the European Hospital in Rafah, one of the [hospitals] that should be most involved with the victims of the Israeli "war of the tunnels." The same goes for the "Nasser" of Khan Yunis. Only 5 out of the 150 beds in the private hospital of Al-Amal are occupied.[5]
Analysts who regularly monitor the Palestinian Arab media have come upon much information that corroborates Cremonesi's report. These media monitors have discovered that over 75% of the individuals whom the Arab media have identified as having been killed in the fighting were males between the ages of 15 and 50—the ages, and gender, of the overwhelming majority of Hamas and other Palestinian fighters. They have also found that the names of many Palestinians who turn up on lists of "civilians" killed in the Gaza war published by Palestinian "human rights" organizations are identified as Hamas fighters by other Palestinian news publications. The "human rights" organizations also omitted from its casualty reports the names of Hamas fighters who are known from other sources to have been killed in the fighting. This misreporting and selective reporting result in a sizable overstatement of the percentage of civilians killed in the fighting. Yet much of the news media relies on these organizations, such as the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), for their data on civilian casualties in Gaza.[6]
The second part of our answer to the question, "why were Gazan civilians killed or injured during Israel´s Gaza operation?" is that Hamas deliberately forced its "own" Gazan civilians to serve as hostages and "human shields," behind which the terrorists conducted their assault. Hamas regularly sent its troops to occupy schools, hospitals, mosques and office buildings, their grounds and adjacent streets, as well as many private Palestinian houses and business, and used them to fire at Israeli soldiers and to launch rockets against Israeli civilians. The Hamas men used mosques as weapons and ammunition storage facilities, and fired anti-aircraft guns from them The Israelis have even caught on camera, and have subsequently broadcast on YouTube, videos of Hamas fighters launching rockets and mortars from the courtyards of schools, or streets directly adjoining them [8] On at least one occasion, Hamas operatives even launched a rocket from a building used by foreign journalists; a reporter from an Arab television and radio station reported on the incident "live" as she viewed the rocket launching from her office window, in a bizarre sequence that has subsequently been broadcast in a YouTube video![7] Hamas gunmen hijacked ambulances, and sometimes even fired at Israeli soldiers from them.
These Hamas ´tactics" put Israeli soldiers in the invidious position of having either to allow the Hamas terrorists to keep firing at them and/or at the Israeli civilian population,; or to return fire, and risking killing or injuring civilians. Israel sometimes has had no choice but to permit its soldiers to return fire in self-defense. This return of fire has sometimes resulted in civilian casualties and/or damage to civilian buildings; but in view of Hamas´ of use of Arab civilians as human shields, blaming Israel for these casualties and calling them Israeli "war crimes," seems to us almost as vicious and unjust as the actual war crimes perpetrated by Hamas. Apropos this situation, Cremonesi reports:
"Get away! Get away from here! Do you want the Israelis to kill everyone? Do you want our children to die under the bombs? Take your missiles and weapons away," the inhabitants of the Gaza strip yelled at the Hamas militants and their allies in Islamic Jihad. The more courageous were organized and blocked the entrances to their courtyards and locked the doors to their buildings, barricading quickly and furiously the stairs to the highest rooftops.
But for all of that the guerrillas didn´t listen to anyone. "Traitors, collaborators with Israel, spies of Fatah, cowards! The soldiers of the holy war will punish you. And in any case you will all die, like us. Fighting the Zionist Jews we are all destined for paradise. Do you not wish to die with us?" This is what they yelled furiously as they broke down doors and windows, hiding themselves on high floors, gardens, using ambulances and barricading themselves near the hospitals, schools and buildings of the UN.
In extreme cases the [Hamas militants] shot those who sought to block them from their streets and houses to save their own families, or they beat them savagely. "The Hamas Militants looked for good places to provoke the Israelis. They were usually youths, 16 or 17 years old, armed with submachine guns. They couldn´t do anything against a tank or jet. They knew they were much weaker. But they wanted the [Israelis] to shoot at the [the civilians´] houses so they could accuse them of more war crimes" asserted Abu Issa, 42, resident of the Tel Awa neighborhood.[9]
Another Gaza civilian, calling herself Umm Abdallah, told Mr.Cremonesi that
"Practically all of the tallest buildings in Gaza that were hit by Israeli bombs, like the Dogmoush, Andalous, Jawarah, Siussi, and many others, had rocket launching pads on their roofs, or were observation decks for the Hamas. They had also put them near the big UN warehouse, which went up in flames. The same goes for the villages in the valley along the border that were more devastated by the mad fury and punishment of the Zionist[10]."
A third part of the answer is that the Hamas terrorists may have directly caused some of the civilian casualties themselves. Numerous Gaza residents and foreign reporters confirm that Hamas took the occasion of Israel´s Gaza operation to kill Palestinians whom it claimed were collaborators with Israel. Many, although not all of these alleged collaborators were actually members of the rival Palestinian terrorist group Fatah, with whom Hamas has long been at loggerheads.[11]
We have already seen the Corriere della Serra report that Hamas sometimes killed Gazan civilians who tried to refuse to allow themselves and their families to be used as human shields, declaring them to be "collaborators" worthy of death. Gazan ambulance drivers told a reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald ( Australia ) of similar experiences with Hamas gunmen: these sometimes attempted to hijack ambulances for their own use, and threatened the drivers with their guns if they resisted surrendering them.[12] While the particular ambulance drivers interviewed by Sydney Morning Herald´s reporter Jack Koutsoukis survived their ordeal, others may not have been so lucky.
Then there is the question of "work accidents." The Israel defense and intelligence forces have documented numerous cases in which explosives that Hamas was storing or that its operatives were manufacturing exploded accidentally, inflicting deaths and injuries on nearby civilians. In nearly all such cases, Hamas first tried to blame Israel for the civilian casualties, although it sometimes eventually admitted to the truth. How many of the civilian casualties reported during the Gaza operation were similar "work accidents?"[13]

In addition, when Hamas chose to fight the Israeli counter-terrorist forces in densely populated urban streets, rather than in open country, as the Israelis much preferred, Hamas operatives as well as Israeli soldiers fired off numerous rounds of bullets, mortars and rockets in areas crowded with civilian residents. As a result, many of the civilian who were killed or wounded in the fighting are just as likely to have been hit by Hamas gunman as by Israeli soldiers. [14]
How many civilian deaths and injuries inflicted by Hamas gunmen, one wonders, found their way into the civilian casualty statistics released by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), various NGOs, and the media? Yet the press and the "humanitarian" agencies have attributed all of the civilian casualties to Israel.
The Lie: Gaza has been utterly devastated and left in ruins by the Israeli "assault."
The Truth: The Israelis targeted buildings very carefully and selectively, aiming at buildings used for military purposes by Hamas, and rarely hitting other buildings.
While much of the media has claimed that Gaza suffered universal and complete devastation during Israel´s "Operation Cast Lead," a few journalists who were on the scene have admitted that Israel´s air and ground forces in Gaza were almost incredibly precise and careful in their selection of targets, and that as little damage as possible was caused to civilian buildings. Tim Butcher, in a report on the war for London´s Daily Telegraph, wrote that:
One thing was clear. Gaza City 2009 is not Stalingrad 1944. There had been no carpet bombing of large areas, no firebombing of complete suburbs. Targets had been selected and then hit, often several times, but almost always with precision munitions. Buildings nearby had been damaged and there had been some clear mistakes, like the firebombing of the UN aid headquarters. But, in most the cases, I saw the primary target had borne the brunt. . .
But, for the most part, I was struck by how cosmetically unchanged Gaza appeared to be. It has been a tatty, poorly-maintained mess for decades and the presence of fresh bombsites on streets already lined with broken curbstones and jerry-built buildings did not make any great difference. And the same can be said for the mindset of many of Gaza´s 1.5 million residents. Outsiders might have expected some sort of collective anger at the loss of life, or mass outrage at the Hamas authorities whose policy of firing rockets against Israel had brought down the wrath of the Israeli armed forces.[15]
The Lie: Israel has been blockading Gaza for years and denying its people access to vital humanitarian supplies, creating great suffering among its population. THIS BLOCKADE WAS INTENSIFIED DURING THE RECENT GAZA WAR.
Of all of the media´s lies about Israel´s relationship to Gaza, this is the most brazen and absurd. There has never been an Israeli blockade of Gaza. In reality, Israel has allowed thousands of truckloads of supplies into Gaza in the past eight years, despite the almost continuous armed attacks on Israeli civilians and soldiers originating in Gaza. It continued to supply Gaza with food, medicine and all other needed civilian goods even during the three weeks of intense fighting during the recent war (December 27, 2008 - January 19, 2009). It has supplied Gaza with electricity, fuel, and water and even money to pay its officials, (who of course work for Hamas) throughout the long years of Gazan aggression against Israel. Israel continued to supply all of these things to Gaza, except the money, even during the three weeks of intense fighting during its "Operation Cast Lead." Since the "cease fire" on January 19 of this year and even at the height of the fighting in January, Israel observed three a hour truce daily to allow supplies to get through to the Gazan civilian population (Hamas violated even these brief truces by using them to fire rockets at Israeli civilians). Israel has continued to send massive humanitarian supplies to Gaza and to allow the UN relief organizations to do so as well, even though Hamas has been hijacking the relief shipments for its own fighters—which is a serious war crime. It has even resumed its money payments to the Hamas government, despite Hamas´ daily violations of the cease-fire with rocket attacks on, and terrorist raids into, Israel .[16]
No other nation in history has treated the people of a country that was committing armed aggression against their own with the kindness, compassion, humanity and forbearance that Israel has lavished upon the people of Gaza. But none of Israel´s extraordinary humanitarian efforts have prevented the international press, United Nations officials and the "NGOs" from portraying Israel as guilty of monstrous war crimes and crimes against humanity. That they have done so does not speak well for the "international community," or indeed for the human species as a whole.
In subsequent columns we look at a few of the specific atrocity allegations made against Israel during the Gaza war, and consider the question of who gave the press so much misinformation about Gaza, and why?
John Landau contributed to this article
1]Avraham Zuroff ,"EU Leaders Debate whether to Condemn Israel for UN Bombings,"
IsraelNationalNews, January 25, 2009, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/129599; "Indicting Israel for Self-Defense." P. David Hornik - Feb 04, 2009 http://www.israelunitycoalition.org/news/article.php?id=3626. Reprinted from
2]Haviv Rettig Gur, "UNWRA: Hamas didn´t fire from Un Compounds." Jerusalem Post, Jan. 18, 2009, http://www.jpost.com /servlet/Satellite?cid=1232292898771&pagename=JPArticle%2FShowFull.
3] "IDF Vlog: Strikes Aborted to Protect Civilians. Lt. Barak Raz. http://www.mefeedia.com/entry/idf-vlog-strikes-aborted-to-protect-civilians-lt-barak-raz-11-jan-2009/13678771; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUeSE3WWX_M .
4] "BBC: Former British Army Colonel Richard Kemp Discusses IDF Gaza Ops," http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WssrKJ3Iqcw
5] Lorenzo Cremonesi, "Doubts on the Number of Victims: Could be 600 rather than 1300. Il Corriere Della Sera, January 21, 2009. Translated by Noa Landes. http://www.theaugeanstables.com/2009/01/28/cremonesi-article-in-english.
6] Steven Stotsky, " Gaza Casualties: Civilian or Combatant?" Camera, January 29, 2009. http://www.camera.org/index.asp?x_context=2&x_outlet=118&x_article=1603 .
7] See "Hamas Uses Schools and Ceasefire to Shoot Rockets at Israel, "http://www.mefeedia.com/entry/hamas-uses-schools-and-ceasefire-to-shoot-rockets-at-israel/13864006; "Hamas Rockets During Cease-Fire and From Schoolyard 8 Jan. 09," http://www.mefeedia.com/entry/hamas-rockets-during-cease-fire-and-from-schoolyard-8-jan-09/13678752 ; "Mortar Bombs Shot from UN School in Gaza 29 Oct. 2007," http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmXXUOs27lI&feature=channel_page; "Weapons Horde in Gazan Mosque, 13 Jan. 2009," http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Zd55Zhj5gQ&feature=channel_page ; "Weapons Hidden in Mosque Neutralized by Israel Air Force 31 Dec. 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCVr7MBhgj0&feature=related; and numerous other videos at http://www.mefeedia.com/feeds/70791/youtube-videos-by-idfnadesk and http://www.youtube.com/user/idfnadesk , the web sites for the Israel Defense Forces public information desk
8] "Hamas fires from foreign Press building in Gaza January 2009 - Unintentional News from Al-Arabiya -TV," http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY50cktUKbA
9] Cremonesi, "Doubts on the Number of Victims," op. cit.
10] Cremonesi, op. cit.
11] Khaled Abu Toameh, "Hamas Moves on Fatah ´Collaborators´," Jerusalem Post, Jan. 4, 2009, http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1230733155685&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull ; Nissan Ratzlav-Katz, "PA Internecine Killings Continued as War Raged," IsraelNationalNews, January 19, 2009, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/129517; and "Gaza War Crimes: Hamas Terrorists Tried To Hijack Ambulances," :IsraelNationalNews, January 26, 2009, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/129608.
12] Jason Koutsoukis, "Hamas tried to hijack ambulances during war", Sydney Morning Herald, January 26, 2009, http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/hamas-tried-to-hijack-ambulances-during-gaza-war/2009/01/25/1232818246374.html
13] "Using civilians as human shields: ten Palestinians killed and several dozens (including women and children) injured in Beit Lahiya as a result of a ´work accident´: an explosion flattened the house of Ahmed Hamouda, a senior Hamas operative in the northern Gaza Strip." Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, June 22, 2008, http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/html/gaza_120608e.htm
14] Alex Safian, "Myths and Facts about the Fighting in Gaza," CAMERA, January 8, 2009, http://www.camera.org/index.asp?x_print=1&x_context=2&x_outlet=35&x_article=1585
15] Tim Butcher, "Gaza has been hit hard, but has it made any difference?" Telegraph.co.uk, January 20, 2009, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/4300408/Gaza-has-been-hit-hard-but-has-it-made-any-difference.html
16] Alex Safian, "Myths and Facts about the Fighting in Gaza,"Op. Cit.; Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs," Humanitarian aid to Gaza during IDF operation,"18 Jan 2009, http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Government/Communiques/2009/Humanitarian_aid_to_Gaza_following_6_month_calm.htm; Justus Reid Weiner and Avi Bell, "International Law
and the Fighting in Gaza," Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, http://www.jcpa.org/text/puzzle1.pdf ; Rani Sneh, "IDF Opens Border Crossing for Humanitarian Aid Transfer to Gaza," December 28, 2008,
http://dover.idf.il/IDF/English/News/today/2008n/12/2803.htm; and numerous other articles on the Israel Defense Forces web site, http://dover.idf.il/IDF/English/; Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs," Humanitarian aid to Gaza during IDF operation," Jan. 18 2009, http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Government/Communiques/2009/Humanitarian_aid_to_Gaza_following_6_month_calm.htm , and numerous other articles on the Israel ministry of Foreign Affairs web site, http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA; Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), "Continual humanitarian aid to Gaza despite grad rocket launched at Ashkelon," February 4, 2009, http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=42670; "Humanitarian aid continues under intense mortar and rocket fire," Feb. 2, 2009, http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=42645, and numerous other bulletins from COGAT, as well as other articles, on the on the Independent Media Review Analysis web site , http://www.imra.org.il/; Tamar Yonah´s interview with David Bedein about Gaza, UNRWA, and Hamas. Israel National Radio's "Weekend Edition," Feb 8, 2009; http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Radio/News.aspx/623;
Hana Levi Julian, " Israel Pumps Fuel into Gaza , Terrorists Launch Rockets in Return," February 11, 2009, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/124999 ;
Walter Bingham, "A Different View of Israel," November 11, 2007, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/7471, and numerous other articles on the IsraelNationalNews, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/; Rachel Ehrenfeld, "Israel's suicidal choice," http://www.israelunitycoalition.org/news/article.php?id=3089, Reprinted from the Washington Times, Aug 27, 2008, and many other article on the Unity Coalition for Israel site, http://www.israelunitycoalition.org/; Israel Insider staff, "Olmert admits transferring hundreds of millions of shekels to Hamas," June 26, 2008,
June 26, 2008, http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/Diplomacy/12941.htm,, and other articles on the Israelinsider site, http://israelinsider.ning.com/cover .
Visit www.MiddleEastSolutions.com http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/91024

Israel's Gaza toll far lower than Palestinian tally Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:56am EDT

JERUSALEM, March 26 (Reuters) - Israel says far more armed fighters and far fewer Palestinian civilians were killed during its 22-day offensive in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip in January than reported in widely-used Palestinian figures.

In the first Israeli death tally to appear in an official publication since the Dec 27-Jan 18 war, it said a total of 1,166 Palestinians were killed, not 1,417 as reported by Palestinian human rights activists.

The figures were contained in a briefing paper issued by the public affairs department of the Israeli embassy in London on Wednesday (http://london/mfa/gov/il). They were later confirmed in a press release by the Israeli army.

The tally says 295 civilians lost their lives -- about a third of the figure of 926 reported by Gaza's Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (www.pchrgaza.org), which published a full list of names earlier this month.

The army statement, citing data gathered by its research department, said its count was based on "the names of Palestinians killed". It said at least 709 of the dead in Gaza were armed militants, not 236 as reported by the Palestinians.

The Palestinian group said "255 police and 236 fighters" died in Israeli bombing and shelling -- a total of 491.

Israel has made clear it regards police under the control of the Islamist Hamas rulers of Gaza as the equivalent of armed fighters.

The Israeli embassy paper said the "degree of involvement" in the armed conflict of a further 162 killed in its offensive was "still under investigation". The army statement said they are "162 names of men that have not yet been yet attributed to any organisation".

It did not say how the list of names was obtained.


The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights on Thursday reaffirmed its own figures, saying "extensive investigation and cross-checking .. determined that a total of 1,417 Palestinians died in the offensive" of whom 926 were civilians, including 313 children and 116 women.

The group's Hamdi Shaqoura told Reuters the centre took a long time and employed great efforts to research the numbers and identities of Palestinians killed.

"We have the numbers and the names of the victims. The process was very well and carefully researched and our numbers reflected the truth," he said.

"International law regards policemen who are not engaged in fighting as non-combatants or civilians," he added.

An Israeli security source said the army's research made clear "about a quarter" of those killed were uninvolved in the fighting "and that's relatively low on any scale" for conflict in an urban environment.

The source suggested that the Palestinian count may have included death by natural causes during the period, which he said statistically would account for approximately 400 deaths.

Shaqoura said Palestinian researchers made sure not to include deaths caused by "internal events" or natural deaths.

He added: "When speaking about Israeli people, Israel regards all people under 18 years of age as children. But when speaking about the Palestinians Israel lowers the age to 16, in order to provide a cover for its army."

The central aim of the Israel embassy briefing paper was to reject charges of war crimes by Israeli forces in Gaza from human rights groups. [...]

The embassy paper said there was so far no adequate ethical code of war "to regulate the war on terror" in which "amoral" adversaries flouted the rules of war and used human shields with total indifference to human suffering.


Phony "war crimes" charges on innocent Israel
CAMERA: Charges of IDF "Wanton Killing" Crumble Mar 22, 2009 ... Less than a month after Israel concluded operations in Gaza, ...
Allegations of IDF Crimes Refuted – But Only in Israeli Press Arutz Sheva
ABC & NBC Relay Phony Claims of Israeli War Crimes, Fail to Retract NewsBusters
IDF: Gaza war crimes charges 'rumors'
IDF Investigation Refutes the Testimonies About Gaza Killings.
Maariv in (Hebrew)
Gaza Horror stories based on rumor not fact | NowPublic News Coverage Mar 30, 2009 ... The Criminal Investigation Department of the Military Police was ordered to ... In fact, the soldier witnessed no such thing, and was only repeating a rumor he had heard. ... for the investigations conducted on all levels of the IDF...

Gaza offensive... no war crimes committed ...Investigation declares Israeli soldiers' confessions exaggerated stories of civilian casualties in Gaza.

Israel: no war crimes during Gaza invasion - Times Online Mar 31, 2009 ... The Israeli Army today closed an internal investigation into war crimes allegedly committed during its Gaza invasion within a fortnight, ...

Gaza civilian kill claims 'rumours' | Southland Times

INTERPOL: Reports Over Investigation of Israel for War Crimes is False Salem-News.com (Mar-04-2009 21:46) INTERPOL issues denial of reported Iranian request seeking arrest of 15 senior Israeli officials.

The tactic of accusing Israel of war crimes whenever it takes ...The tactic of accusing Israel of war crimes whenever it takes steps to defend itself should by now have been worked too often to be effective any longer. ...



Table of Contents


On Dec. 27 2008, Israel began defensive operations to dismantle Iran-backed Hamas’s terrorist infrastructure in Gaza and stop the terrorist group from its 8-years-long campaign of attacking Israeli civilians with 10,000 rockets, missiles and mortars. Despite Hamas’s unrelenting rocket attacks, Israel continues to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza, warning the civilian population to stay clear of terrorist sites. Said Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, "Israel has made it clear that we are fighting against terrorism, not the Gazan residents, and the extremists are the ones who are taking advantage of the concern of the humanitarian organizations and the international community as a means of pressuring Israel." [1]

Attempting to end 8 Years of rocket attacks on Israeli civilian targets

Israel decided it had enough of: Years of Islamic 'Palestinian' Hamas' barrage of rocket attacks aimed intentionally on Israeli civilians, preferably children (at the times they go to schools and kindergartens [2] [3][4][5] ), around a Million Israelis are under this threatening range [6].

Islamists Hamas causing civilian deaths among their own 'Arab Palestinian' population

The Islamic terror Hamas fights the Israeli humane (who risk their own lives in order to minmize Arab civilian casualties) anti-terror defensive forces via most inhumane tactics - using its own civilians, women and children as human shields [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] in order to cause Arab kids' deaths and then parade with them on global TV cameras.

Arab TV inflaming Arab street

Arab Muslim TV shows graphic images of 'dead Arab kids', to enrage and inflame their "youths".

Al Jazeera... It is openly partisan, almost never showing Israeli deaths or injuries. It is also provocative and upsetting in a way that looks nothing like news in the West. Their broadcasts routinely feature mutilated corpses being pulled from the scene of an explosion, or hospital interviews with maimed children, who bemoan the loss of their siblings or their parents - often killed in front of their eyes. Al-Jazeera splices archival footage into the live shots, weaving interviews and expertly produced montages into a devastating narrative you can follow from the comfort of your own home. This is news without even the pretense of impartiality. After several days of following the Al-Jazeera coverage of Gaza, I've never seen a live interview with an Israeli, neither a politician nor a civilian. In the Al-Jazeera version, the Gaza conflict has only two participants: the Israeli army - an impersonal force represented as tanks and planes on the map - and the Palestinian civilians, often shown entering the hospital on makeshift stretchers. There are few Hamas rockets and no Israeli families. It's not hard to see why Al-Jazeera is accused of deliberately inflaming regional enmity and instability.[18].

Anti Jewish Genocidal hatred

An expolsion of Islamofascism's hatred and call for genocide on (all) Jews in wordlwide demonstrations by Arabs Muslims, under the flag of "free Palestine". [19] [20] [21] [22] [23].

Setting the records straight

The initial reported numbers by Arab Palestinians as if there were around 1,200 casualties were refuted by Gaza doctor [24], The Hamas Death Factory has also constantly manufactures fresh dead bodies [25] [26], imperative to note that most of the dead were Hamas militant Jihadists [27] [28][29] [30].

The CNN has been exposed for showing a fake footage of a Gaza Hospital [31], Pro-Hamas Doctors Caught Faking A Civilian Death After CNN Airs Footage [32].

As the UN says (on February 4, 2009) that armed 'Hamas seizes UN food aid in Gaza' , Israeli officials declare the incident vindicated their long-standing claims that Hamas routinely confiscates aid meant for needy Gazans. [33].

Fake 'war crimes' charges, conclusion (March, 2009), Reports of IDF "Crimes": Fiction Based on Rumors, Claims that IDF soldiers deliberately killed civilians during Operation Cast Lead were based in hearsay, a military investigation has concluded. The two soldiers who first reported the alleged incidents had not seen the incidents themselves, and had no personal knowledge to support the allegations of the radical political far lefty group B'Tselem & others who "accused" Israel of supposed "crimes" .[34] [35][36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41][42] [43]

The UN that pounded (during the operation) Israel at the most publicized, criticized moment, as there were casualties at its building, a school, (where Hamas terrorists have been firing rockets from) has finally on Feb. 3, 2009 retracted its original version of blaming Israel and declared that: "the UN "would like to clarify that the shelling and all of the fatalities took place outside and not inside the school." [44] [45][46][47].

So did the Interpol declare (Mar-04-2009): Reports Over Investigation of Israel for War Crimes is False [48]

A writer: The tactic of accusing Israel of war crimes whenever it takes ...The tactic of accusing Israel of war crimes whenever it takes steps to defend itself should by now have been worked too often to be effective any longer. [49]

All that is part what is called: The Anti Human 'Palestinian' Arabs use, abuse of 'Human rights' organizations [50] [51] [52] [53], A credible human rights organization would make a distinction between people killed bearing arms and innocent civilians [54] [55].
L. Kaplan writes (July 3, 2006) in an article titled: 'International Solidarity Movement, Electronic Intifada, Boycotting Israel How I upset the Arab propaganda machine: Nigel Parry': ...it seems the Palestinian propaganda movement, which also likes to call itself the International Solidarity Movement, is upset with me. After all, a movement that likes to tell the world it is a "peace and human rights" movement out for "social justice," but then works to steal foreign aid money and to aid terrorists to murder women and children can get very upset when it is exposed to the light of day. They are so upset with me that no less than five websites have sprung up attacking me as less than human, an "unethical journalist," and a "liar" who "fabricates everything he writes." The International Solidarity Movement relies on wannabe anarchists and communist revolutionaries in Canada and the US who live within the framework of our capitalist societies to propagandize for the "Palestinian cause" (destroy Israel and drive out the Jews), but, thanks to Arab money, they can make comfortable livings within the decadent societies they so abhor and seek to destroy from within. [56].
Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Are Literally Terrorist Media Outlets [57].

Blaming the culprit

The US [58], Egypt [59], EU's top official J. Solana [60], and the Czech Republic Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg who is to become the leader at the EU, [61] all blame Hamas for the bloodshed.

Posted in Gaza, Arabism, Jihad, Islamofascism, Cast Lead, Hamas, Human shields, Qassam, anti semitism, war on terror, Sderot, Iran, Israel, crimes against humanity, UN, war crimes, palestinians,