Porterville Relay For Life 2003
Welcome To Portervilles Relay For Life Home.... Last Updated On 06/06/03

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Ennis Homes is going to build this 12'x 12' playhouse and then There will be a Opportunity Drawing on Sat. Oct 5 at the Relay for Life event.Donations for the tickets are $2.00/ea. All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. Need not be present to win. If anyone would like a hard copy picture of the play house or any other info they should contact Susan Mauck @ 781-2414.

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Local Event Info
Team Recruitment Chair
Susan Mauck
Tel. (559)781-2414

Event Chairperson
Linda Clark
Tel. (559)781-0702

National Contact Information

American Cancer Society Tel. 800-ACS-2345
Web Design
This Site Built And Maintained By Bill Akers.

2002 Akers Computer Services