Steve's Home Page
Who Am I??
While these pages are primarily a Collection of Cub Scouting Clip Art, I am a builder/remodeler whose interests will be reflected in these pages. This set of pages will contain Cub Scouting Clip Art and links useful to leaders, tool tips, links to home improvement/woodworking pages, and maybe even a project plan or two, if I have the time, patience and my wife doesn't shoot me for spending all my time on the computer.
Links to my other pages
For your convenience, you can use a search engine. They've been useful to me working on these pages.
Coming Soon - Woodworking links and tool tips page.
To enjoy a couple of completed homepages, visit my buds Craig & Doug.
Craig is a serious HUNTER, with great links to other hunting oriented pages. He also has a great Visual Basic Link Page. And, while you're there, be sure to visit the Hunting Lodge.
Doug is just starting out also, but has some interesting misc. links.
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Copyright 1997 Steve Bassette
Last Modified February 16, 1997