Hobbies And Activities Of Interest

Martial Arts



Scuba Diving


Holistic Healing

Language Studies

Martial Arts

Rick started martial arts training at the age fifteen. This hobby turned into more of a way of life and was one of the greatest influences on his life. The martial arts is more than fighting. Martial Artist in china were also physicians, phylosophers, religious icons, and teachers. Many of the non combative skills have helped Rick deal with stressful and difficult periods in his life. The discipline learned from the study of martial artswas instrumental in providing the drive to succeed in other areas of his professional life. Rick has been studying the martial arts since 1971 and feels that he has just

Picture Of Rick In a gi. rghchkgi.jpg
scratched the surface of all of the martial arts knowledge to learn. It's humbling to realize that after twenty six years of training, there is still so much to learn. Rick looks forward to continuing his study of the martial arts. For more information about Rick's historical martial arts background, click here.

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thguitar.jpg - Recent picture of Rick playing his guitar


Rick started learning to play the guitar at the age of ten. His first music lessons were taken at Lee's music in old town Florissant, Missouri. His first guitar was a second hand accoustical guitar. Later after proving to his parents that he would continue music lessons, his parents purchase an electric guitar and amplifier for Rick. At age fourteen Rick and a group of friends formed a band. They played together for two years performing at dances and parties. About the same time, Rick started playing guitar mass at ST. Sabina church. At the age of sixteen, Rick started writing his first

songs. Rick received a new accoustical guitar at age fourteen. He still has this guitar today. As an adult, Rick still writes songs and plays special music at Villebrook Baptist church services.

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Rick started playing racketball as a teenager. Every day during the summer, Rick and some friends would go to the park and play racketball. Rick entereda couple of racketball tournaments. Although he won a couple of rounds in the tournaments, he never placed. The level of skill of the competitors was much higher than Rick's racketball ability at the time. The tournaments were entered for the fun of competing and playing a variety of different opponents. Rick still plays racketball with his father now and again. Rick's father well into his sixties can still win against Rick without

rhrball.jpg - Picture of Rick and father at the racket ball courts
hardly breaking a sweat. Rick's father is a very accomplished racketball player.

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Scuba Diving

Rick started scuba diving while in college in the mid 1970s. He currently holds an open water P.A.D.I. certification. Rick and friends went on dive trips from early spring to late fall every year. He took dive trips at least once per month. Rick was never able to scuba dive in the ocean but has seen the bottom of most of the lakes and quarries within Missouri. After the birth of his first child, Rick sold his scuba equipment and hasn't been diving since. Now his fifteen year old daughter has developed an interest in scuba diving so this hobby may get some renewed interest.

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Rick started playing paintball in 1987, when paint guns were crude pump action non gravity feed pistols using a twelve ounce CO2 cartridge. At first this was a casual event where a group of friends would meet at a paintball course and play capture the flag.

This quickly became more than a casual activity when Rick and Ned Loetz formed a paintball league. The league consisted of five teams. Rick quickly learned the importance of proper equipment and good small squad tactics. Some

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teams had new pump action gravity fed gun and quickly overpowered the teams with the olded guns. All of the teams started upgrading their weapons to keep all things equal.

After the league was over, groups formed into competitive teams to play other teams through scheduled team challenges. Again the level of play and quality of equipment needed to be upgraded. Prior to competitive teams, a person would probably shoot 100 rounds the entire day. During competitive play each team member would shoot between 200 to 400 rounds in a single game. Players would enter the field carrying 300 rounds of amunition and an extra CO2 tank to insure survival during crucial engagements with the othe team. Guns went from pump action to semi-automatic weapons.

Other paintball games were introduced to speed up the game and make the action quicker. One innovation was arena ball. The flag is in the center of a hockey size arena with hand made obsticles. the object of the game is to either eliminate all opposing players or capture the flag and move across the field to opposing teams base. Indoor paintball, urban paintball, and the big games are other types of games played.

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Holistic Healing

Rick has studied several different disciplines of holistic healing. He has studied acupressure, kinesiology, qi gong, and the healing and pain relief from foods and vitamins. It's important to know how to heal as well as injure. Healing is the yin art and injuring through self defense is the yang art. To maintain a balance in mind and spirit, it's important to learn both disciplines.

Acupressure and kinesiology are arts that heal by holding, pressing, or massaging pressure points. These pressure

points are the same points used in the art of acupuncture. Qi gong teaches how to use the bodies chi energy to heal itself. A person can also use his chi to help the healing process in another person. Eating properly is always important. Knowing the proper foods to promote health, weight loss, and pain relief is very important. All of these approaches use a basic phylosophy of preventative healing instead of waiting for disease to attack before starting the healing process.

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Language Studies

Currently, Rick is studying the Japanese language and culture. As a by-product of his martial arts training, Rick developed an interest in this subject. The biggest problem in his studies is the lack of people to talk to in Japanese. Later, Rick plans to study Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, and Korean. While learning the language, you find many interesting facts about the culture and thought processes of the citizens of these countries. One day Rick would like to visit one or all of these countries.

japlang.jpg - A picture of the books that Rick uses to study Japanese

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