The Jokes

World of Darkness Jokes

Where vampires came from according to the Antidiluvians
Antidiluvian's and their disciplines
Antidiluvian's and their clan flaws
Antidiluvian's talk about Sex
Antidiluvian's talk about Sects
Antidiluvian's Clan Politics (Alternative Talk about Sects story)
Antidiluvian poker
Antidiluvian's at school
Antidiluvian's fighting
The Path of Eternal Boredom
How Garou get through doors
Universal Elder Avoidance Form
An Inkblot test of the clans
You Might Be Sabbat...
New expansion sets for Jyhad(V:tES)
How did the...change the lightbulb?
Why did the mage cross the road?
The Vampire Clans Do It
If I became a Vampire...
Top ten reasons to be a vampire
Look before you LARP
You might be a Redneck vampire…
Every Thing I needed to know I learned from the World Of Darkness
Tremere Trek
An amusing Vampire: The Masquerade FAQ
Little Blood Riding Hood
WoD Bumper Stickers
Everything I need to know I learnt from the WoD
'What's my Gen again?' - A Blink 182 spoof
Why being a Revenant sucks
What to do when your ST introduces Caine to the game

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Jokes

A VERY funny story of stupid PCs and the Head of Vecna
Another story about a stupid PC and a gazebo
The Top Ten of AD&D
AD&D Famous Last words
Leomund's Love Hut
Advunced Peasants and Crapmongers
AD&D Christmas Carol

Magic: The gathering Jokes

Why Magic, the gathering is better than sex
Top Ten Magic: the Gathering

Various jokes

How to be a cultist
Lord of the OS
The 25 classes of roleplayers
28 classes of GM's
10 classes of GM's
The mistakes of an evil overlord
You Might Be a Gamer if...
Good ideas and bad ideas in RPG's
Shit happens in RPGs
quotes from RPG's
Rules for writing a fantasy novel
A loyalty test for Paranoia
How to be and Adult Fantasy Geek
The Calling Plan for Call of Cthulhu
Dick and Jane meet Cthulhu

Monty Python Parodies--From RPG.Net

The D20 Spam Sketch
No One Expects a Rules Revision!
The Dead RPG Sketch
Every Game is Sacred
I Like Palladium and I'm Okay!
The Bookshop sketch
Got Any ...?
In Our Day...Updated!
King of the GamersUpdated!
King ArthurUpdated!
Mr Cat-Piss-Man at the Gaming StoreUpdated!
I'm not the Game MasterUpdated!
Does Your Wife Game?Updated!
Always Look on the High Side of Dice?Updated!
A DP9 EditorUpdated!
A Game SupplementUpdated!
The Last HandbookUpdated!
Any Fiends?Updated!