

Dex: 6  Str: 4  Tou: 6
Per: 5  Wil: 5  Cha: 4
Initiative: 7           Physical Defense: 10
# of Attacks: 4         Spell Defense: 8
Attack: 8               Social Defense: 7
  Damage: Bite: 9       Armor: 4
        2 x Claws: 8    Mystic: 3
        Stinger: 6      Knockdown: 7
# of Spells: 1          Recovery Tests: 3
Spellcasting: 7
  Effect: Paralysis

Death Rating: 38        Combat Move: 30, flying 60
Wound Threshold: 10     Full Move: 60, flying 120
Knock Out: 29
Legend Points:
Byakhee are shaped like a cross between a Dragon and an invae (insect spirits). They stand 6 feet tall and have 8 foot long wings on their back. Their head is dragon shaped with a pair of antenae. The Torso is insect shaped with a pair of bat like wiongs and a pair of mantis arms. Their legs are dragon shaped and have a structure much like an instect's thorax rather than a tail. The Thorax also has a sharp retracting stinger.

Byakhee are employed by horrors as gofers. They are sent on tasks by the horrors which the byakhee carry out quickly and efficiently. Sightings of Byakhee remain rare, which fules the rumors that they are made from corrupted drakes.

The Stinger of the Byakhee carries a paralytic venom. If the stinger causes a wound to the victim the Byakhee makes a spellcasting test versus the victims Spell Defense. A success means the victim is paralyzed and can not move for a 1d10 minutes. Byakhee will usually use their stinger to immobilize a victim then pick them up and drop them from the air, usually continuing this until the victim is crippled, but not dead.


The Byakhee was created by Mike Boaz ( The idea was drawn from the works of H.P. Lovecraft.

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