Main Cristoph's Birth The boys
Amadeus Benaiah Cristoph
Times Like These Disciple's Prayer June Camp 2008
Jul 2008 Aug 2008

3 Days Old

Cristoph Ng

Born on 01 April 08, 8.55 am
Weighed 3.265kg at birth and was 48cm
He was born at KKH and stayed there till he was 3 days old.

Cristoph taught me the meaning of waiting on the Lord as, unlike his brothers, he was not induced at birth. As a result, we waited each and every day for any signs of his coming as every moment seems possible that his delivery is imminent.

Finally on 1st Apr 1am, Karen felt some contractions and subseqently, the waterbag broke at 6am the next morning. Thank God for smooth traffic as we made our way to the hospitial by 7.30am and that our doctor Dr KT Tan was already there since 2am!!!

Prayer Request

Please pray that he will grow up strong and healthy and to follow the Lord.