Welcome to bitches r us. This is the critizing page where we and you get to critize anything and everything, and basicly just bitch. If you want to bitch about something feel free to bitch in our guestbook.

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Page 2 Reviews

A very good movie.
Watch it stoned.
Bad & it Sucks!

The Eyes!
Jessica's Latest Movie Reviews
The Eyes!
Marisa's Latest Movie Reviews
Blood Work:
Same old, same old.
Blood Work:
It was o.k., just for me to 
get out of the damn house.
The Master of Disguise:
Not my type of fun. 
Unless, if I were 
drugged up maybe.
The Master of Disguise:
It was cute to me.  
Austin Powers in Goldmember:
If you liked the first and 
second film you've got to 
watch this one.
Austin Powers in Goldmemeber:
Liked it, but Foxxy 
Cleopatra pisses me off.
Oh yes. A very intresting 
A must see.


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