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Ernie Taylor's Favorite Back Workout
Originally featured in: Flex November, 1999

Volume: Do two warm-up sets with a light weight for 15-20 reps. The warm-up sets are required because this is the first exercise of the back workout; you will need to prepare the targeted muscles for the rigors of the exercises to come. Follow with one heavy-duty set of eight to 10 repetitions.

FAVORITE #2: Wide-Grip Cable Rows
Style Points: The wide-grip style helps add thickness to the lats and middle back while also bringing the lumbar region into play. I prefer a straight bar to a cambered bar, as the former will help to produce an optimal contraction. I stretch my back at the outset. My hands touch my knees as I stretch forward, then I come up to a point where my back is at a 90-degree angle as I bring the handles to my lower abdomen. 
I hold the contraction for two seconds, putting my energy into prioritizing the lower lats and Christmas tree, then release and stretch out my back by holding the negative for two seconds. 
Volume: Do two heavy-duty sets of 12 reps. I'm limiting the number of sets to ensure that you will have enough energy to do all of five exercises with strict form.
FAVORITE #3: Hammer Strength Rows
Style Points: This is the machine equivalent for the one-arm dumbbell row. In my book, it's a vast improvement over using dumbbells because the strictness of the movement equates to a wider wingspan for your lats. Suffice it to say, the wider your lats, the more impressive your physique. 
I favor the unilateral (one arm at a time) technique, as it allows for a better contraction and a more complete stretch. Keep your chest against the pad throughout and begin with your arm fully outstretched. Pull the bar in toward your chest and squeeze, hold for two seconds, then return to the stretch position. 
Volume: Do one set (with each arm) for 12 heavy-duty reps.

FAVORITE #4: Lat Pulldowns to the Front
Style Points: I consider this a polishing-off-the-back exercise for quality. I never waste my time with the behind-the neck version because it's an awkward movement that does very little for packing on muscle size. 
Doing your pulldowns to the front will work your lats more effectively; you can take the bar down farther and go for a more intense contraction. Pulldowns are the equivalent of chins, and either exercise will improve your V-shape while putting the finishing touches on your lats. 
A lot of people make the mistake of bringing the bar down only to chin level -- I suppose they believe this is literally a machine-driven chinup. For pulldowns, though, you must pull the bar all the way down to your chest, squeeze, and hold for two seconds for a full contraction. It is important to pull your elbows as far back as possible. Release, bring the bar up slowly for the stretch, then drive it down fast to your chest for contraction. 
Volume: Do one set of 12 reps.

FAVORITE #5: Hammer Strength Shrugs
Style Points: Dorian taught me to train traps on back day for the sake of efficiency. An intense back workout brings the traps into play as it is, so why not do your heavy shrugs while the muscles are warmed up and ready to go? 
The Hammer Strength shrug machine offers all the muscle-growing benefits of barbells and dumbbells, with the bonus of added support for a stricter movement and a more complete contraction of the traps. Strap yourself onto the handles and raise your shoulders as high as possible (don't rotate your shoulders; this is a straight up-and-down movement), visualizing your traps touching your ears. Hold and squeeze at the top for two seconds, then release and lower to the bottom. 
I also do Hammer Strength reverse shrugs. Bring your shoulders back a touch, then raise them as high as possible while squeezing and contracting at the top for two seconds. Release and lower to the bottom. 
Remember that the movement is completed by raising your shoulders, not by consciously lifting the handles. 
Volume: One set of shrugs for eight to 10 reps, followed by one set of reverse shrugs for six to eight reps.

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