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Bahasa Assembler :

Constants are just like variables, but they exist only until your program is compiled (assembled). After definition of a constant its value cannot be changed. To define constants EQU directive is used:

name EQU < any expression >

For example:

k EQU 5


The above example is functionally identical to code:


You can view variables while your program executes by selecting "Variables" from the "View" menu of emulator.

To view arrays you should click on a variable and set Elements property to array size. In assembly language there are not strict data types, so any variable can be presented as an array.

Variable can be viewed in any numbering system:
  • HEX - hexadecimal (base 16).
  • BIN - binary (base 2).
  • OCT - octal (base 8).
  • SIGNED - signed decimal (base 10).
  • UNSIGNED - unsigned decimal (base 10).
  • CHAR - ASCII char code (there are 256 symbols, some symbols are invisible).

You can edit a variable's value when your program is running, simply double click it, or select it and click Edit button.

It is possible to enter numbers in any system, hexadecimal numbers should have "h" suffix, binary "b" suffix, octal "o" suffix, decimal numbers require no suffix. String can be entered this way:
'hello world', 0
(this string is zero terminated).

Arrays may be entered this way:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(the array can be array of bytes or words, it depends whether BYTE or WORD is selected for edited variable).

Expressions are automatically converted, for example:
when this expression is entered:
5 + 2
it will be converted to 7 etc...

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