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Tips & Trik :

Reseting Lock Code

First, you will need USB cable for your phone (DKE-2,CA-53,DKU-2).
Also PCSuite must be installed because you'll need nokia cable driver.
Download and install nemesis service suite.
Select USB VIRTUAL DRIVE during installation (in case of nokia 6120c)(for nokia 5700 use diamond protection).

Second, Connect phone via USB.
Open Nemesis, clik on Scan for new device {on magnifying glass on the right}.

On Virtual USB device, there are several information...!

Clik on "Phone info" and "permanent memory" tab on the lower right near "Fbus info" tab.
Click on Read to read the permanent memory file.

Nemesis will read the permanent memory file than make a backup.

Your Permanent Memory will be located in the path:
C:\Program Files\NSS\Backup\pm\356252*********.pm

Open that Permanent Memory file in NOTEPAD.

Now scroll up til FIELD [308].

In field [308] go to line 5 where phone code is stored.

Remove all the "3 & 0" digits and it will be like that :
That is the security code..

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