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Tutorial Cracking :

@stake LC5 v5.04

Target  : @stake LC5 v5.04
Tool     : OllyDebug Defixed
              Exe Info PE

LC5 helps administrators secure Windows and Unix-authenticated networks through comprehensive auditing of Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Unix user account passwords.

Jalankan LC5.
Langsung muncul "LC5 Trial Version"
Klik register, minta "Unlock Code"
"You have entered an invalid code. Please try again."

Langkah pertama :

Scan lc5.exe dengan Exe Info PE untuk melihat programnya dipack dengan apa??
Gak ada spesial cuma "Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 7.x".

Langkah kedua :

Buka file lc5.exe dengan OllyDebug DeFixeD.
Di "CPU - main thread, module lc5", klik kanan pilih "Search for" terus "All Referenced Text Strings".
Geser keatas terus klik kanan pilih "Search For Text".
Pada "Enter Text to Search For" masukkan kata "invalid code", hilangkan tanda di case sensitive dan tandai entire scope.

kita berada dialamat

004108BD PUSH 004D63D4 ASCII "You have entered an invalid code. Please try again."

Klik dua kali dialamat diatas.

004106ED |. E8 948D0800 |CALL 00499486
; |Arg2
00410715 |. 68 94644D00 |PUSH 004D6494 ; |Arg1 = 004D6494 ASCII "You have successfully registered the Basic version of LC5."
00410750 |. 52 |PUSH EDX
004107A8 |. 68 50644D00 |PUSH 004D6450 ; |Arg1 = 004D6450 ASCII "You have successfully registered the Professional version of LC5."
00410820 |. 52 |PUSH EDX
0041087D |. 68 08644D00 |PUSH 004D6408 ; |Arg1 = 004D6408 ASCII "You have successfully registered the Administrator version of LC5."
004108BD |. 68 D4634D00 |PUSH 004D63D4 ; |Arg1 = 004D63D4 ASCII "You have entered an invalid code. Please try again."

Trace kodenya keatas.

Wah....wah.... ada tiga type registered user!

Langsung beri breakpoint atau F2 dialamat "004106ED"

Klik run atau F9

Langsung isi unlock codenya.

Olly akan berhenti dialamat "004106ED"

Lihat dibagian "Registers (FPU)"

EAX 00E64678 ASCII "1234567890"
ECX 84C1616C
EDX 0012F068 ASCII "6cefc391"

"6cefc391" unlock code untuk "Basic version"

Trace kebawah atau tekan F8.

Dialamat "00410750"

EAX 00E64640 ASCII "1234567890"
ECX 4D1A86B2
EDX 0012F068 ASCII "390aae3a"

"390aae3a" unlock code untuk "Professional version"

Trace kebawah atau tekan F8 lagi.

Dialamat "00410820"

EAX 00E64640 ASCII "1234567890"
ECX 4D1A86B2
EDX 0012F068 ASCII "933225b5"

"933225b5" unlock code untuk "Administrator version"

Sekarang kamu tinggal isi unlock codenya dengan pilihanmu.

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