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Tutorial Cracking :

Registry Rescue v3.0

Target  : Registry Rescue v3.0
Tool     : OllyDebug Defixed
              Exe Info PE
              ASPackDie v1.41

Registry Rescue scans, removes, and repairs invalid entries, references and links in your Windows registry. Errors in your registry, and stuff left behind by other programs in your registry are one of the main causes of system slow down, computer crashes and lockups, also a potential privacy threats. By repairing errors in the registry your system's performance will be visibly increased.

Buka programnya trus kebagian registrationnya.
Masukkan kode palsu dulu.
"Wrong registration code"

Untuk memastikan proteksi softwarenya, langsung cek dengan Exe Info PE.
"Aspack v2.12 -> Alexey Solodovnikov"

Unpack targetnya menggunakan ASPackDie v1.41.
Hasilnya adalah unpacked.ExE

Buka file unpacked.ExE (hasil unpack ASPackDie) dengan OllyDebug.
Langsung cari referenced string "Wrong registration code"


0049B125 MOV EAX,0049B240 ASCII "Wrong registration code"

Klik dua kali

0049B116 803D B8624A00>CMP BYTE PTR DS:[4A62B8],0
0049B11D 75 06 JNZ SHORT 0049B125
0049B11F FF05 B0624A00 INC DWORD PTR DS:[4A62B0]
0049B125 B8 40B24900 MOV EAX,0049B240 ; ASCII "Wrong registration code"

Trace kodenya keatas.

0049B024 FF51 54 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+54]
0049B027 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX
0049B029 7D 04 JGE SHORT 0049B02F
0049B02B 33C0 XOR EAX,EAX
0049B02D EB 02 JMP SHORT 0049B031
0049B02F B0 01 MOV AL,1
0049B031 84C0 TEST AL,AL
0049B033 0F84 DD000000 JE 0049B116
0049B039 B8 BCB14900 MOV EAX,0049B1BC ; ASCII "Thank you for your registration."

Dialamat "0049B029" kode "JGE" diganti dengan "JMP".

Simpan semua perubahan diatas.
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